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牛津阅读树Biff,Chip&Kipper Stories绘本系列阅读攻略
时间:2018-01-26 16:50来源:爱贝亲子网 作者:爱贝小编 点击:
有些家长买了这套读物回去不知道怎么读?其实我们网上也有家长分享过指导心得,但都是很分散,没有一个集中性的归类整理,发布本篇文章的初衷是希望通过爱贝小编的整理翻译,能让家长更好的带着孩子阅读Biff,Chip&Kipper Stories系列绘本!

牛津阅读树中的Biff一家系列在牛津官网称为Biff,Chip&Kipper Stories系列,也就是网络常说的牛津树主干系列(牛津树树干结构图);故事围绕Biff, Chip and Kipper这三个孩子还有一只叫做Floppy狗狗展开,这套牛津树分级绘本系列1-12级一共400多本书,其中初级1-2级被家长奉为启蒙阅读入手首选读物,它不仅阅读趣味性好,而且故事是连贯;词汇重复率也是极好的。




有些家长买了这套读物回去不知道怎么读?其实我们网上也有家长分享过指导心得,但都是很分散,没有一个集中性的归类整理,发布本篇文章的初衷是希望通过爱贝小编整理翻译,能让家长更好的带着孩子阅读Biff,Chip&Kipper Stories系列绘本



stage 1-1  At school (Kipper第一天上学)译文翻译

stage 1-2 Getting up译文翻译

stage 1-3 Look Out!译文翻译

stage 1-4 The Haircut

stage 1-5 The Lost Teddy

stage 1-6 The Library 

stage 1-7 The Swing Ball

stage 1-8 The Street Fair

stage 1-9 The Big Box

stage 1-10 Fetch! )(#¥% 

stage 1-11 The HedgeHog

stage 1-12 The Apple

stage 1-13 Who Is It?

stag1-14 Floppy Floppy 

stag1-15 Six in a bed

stag1-16 A Good Trick

stage 1-17 Fun at the Beach

stage 1-18 The Pancake 

stage 1-19 Is It?

stage 1-20 Get On

stage 1-21 Floppy Did This

stage 1-22 Get Dad 

stage 1-23 Up You Go

stage 1-24 I See

stage 1-25 The Headache

stage 1-26 At the Park 

stage 1-27 Fancy Dress

stage 1-28 Push!

stage 1-29 Good Old Mum

stage 1-30 The Pet Shop 

stage 1-31 What a Mess!

stage 1-32 Making Faces

stage 1-33 The Journey

stage 1-34 Goa! Copyright www.i-bei.com 

stage 1-35 Who Did That?

stage 1-36 Shopping

stage 1-37 Hide and Seek

stage 1-38 Look at Me 

stage 1-39 Go Away, Floppy

stage 1-40 Reds and Blues

stage 1-41 Big Feet

stage 1-42 Kipper's Diary 

stage 1-43 What Dogs Like

stage 1-44 Presents for Dad

stage 1-45 Top Dog 

stage 1-46 Look After Me 请勿采集 

stage 1-47 Go On, Mum!

stage 1-48 Go Away, Cat

stage 1-49 The Sandcastle

stage 1-50 Floppy's Bone 

stage 1-51 The Box of Treasure

stage 1-52 Hook a Duck

stage 1-53 Chip's Robot

stage 1-54 One Wheel 

stage 1-55 The Ice Cream

stage 1-56 Can You See Me?

stage 1-57 Good Dog

stage 1-58 What a DIN! 

stage 1-59 See Me Skip

stage 1-60 The Mud Pie


stage 1+ 1-1 The Lost Gloves 

stage 1+ 1-2 Pustage 1+les

stage 1+ 1-3 Just for Mum

stage 1+ 1-4 Fly away

stage 1+ 1-5 Feed the Birds 

stage 1+ 1-6 Fun in the snow

stage 1+ 1-7 Hop! Hop! Pop!

stage 1+ 1-8 Catkin the Kiten

stage 1+ 1-9 In the Trolley 

stage 1+ 1-11 The Enormous Crab

stage 1+ 1-12 The Caterpillar

stage 1+ 1-13 The picture Book man 

stage 1+ 1-14 In the Tent

stage 1+ 1-15 The bag in the Bin

stage 1+ 1-16 Stuck!

stage 1+ 1-17 The big red bus 

stage 1+ 1-18 The sock

stage 1+ 1-19 Next door

stage 1+ 1-20 Dogs in the mud

stage 1+ 1-21 Stop! 

stage 1+ 1-22 The fish tank

stage 1+ 1-23 The big spin

stage 1+ 1-24 Wheels


stage2-1 Mokey Tricks

stage2-2 Hey Presto 

stage2-3 It's the Weather

stage2-4 Naughty Children 

stage2-5 A Sinking Feeling

stage2-6 Creepy-crawly

stage2-7 What is It

stage2-8 The Lost Puppy 

stage2-9 New Trees

stage2-10 Up and Down

stage2-11 The Little Dragon

stage2-12 The Band 

stage2-13 The Big Egg

stage2-14 Poor Floppy

stage2-15 Put it Back

stage2-16 In a Bit 

stage2-17 A Present for Mum

stage2-18 The hole in the Sand

stage2-19 The toy’s Party

stage2-20 New Trainers 

stage2-21 A New Dog

stage2-22 What a Bad Dog

stage2-23 The Go-kart

stage2-24 The Dream 

stage2-25 Floppy's Bath

stage2-26 The Baby-sitter

stage2-27 The Water Fight

stage2-28 Kipper’s Balloon 

stage2-29 Spots!

stage2-30 Kipper's Birthday

stage2-31 Kipper's Laces

stage2-32 The Wobby Tooth 

stage2-33 The Foggy Day

stage2-34 Biff's Aeroplane

stage2-35 Floppy the Hero

stage2-36 The Chase 


stage 2+ 2-1 The ostage 1+ egg

stage 2+ 2-2 Out!

stage 2+ 2-3 Fire! 

stage 2+ 2-4 The Gulls' picnic

stage 2+ 2-5 Red noses

stage 2+ 2-6 The Ball Pit

stage 2+ 2-7 Got a job? 

stage 2+ 2-8 The new gingerbread man

stage 2+ 2-9 Hiccups

stage 2+ 2-10 Gorilla on the run!

stage 2+ 2-11 A big bunch of flowers 

stage 2+ 2-12 Catch it!




牛津阅读树Oxford Reading Tree资源汇总

牛津阅读树1-2级家长指导书(中文翻译版),word可以打印9 h#





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