发表于: 2021-11-5 23:29:30
汪培珽第一阶段Penguin Group系列The little engine that could helps out译文伴读 汪培珽第一阶段Penguin Group系列The little engine that could helps out译文伴读 # M  M( g+ R5 \+ k! E
这款倾听者M2鸡娃都要用的“英语神器”!7 F; q0 ~8 r+ p9 Y% M2 N2 Z
, a: Z- o3 K8 G! ?* I2 t9 a

汪培珽第一阶段Penguin Group系列书目:
! T/ Z5 z2 h, S7 O9 v4 j


1.The little engine that could helps out/ d, u  v' s2 S4 \$ w
2.Picky Nicky
9 O3 J2 T' T% i7 ?* @4 l$ C8 K- q
3.lots of hearts
5 l/ n& P, e! |$ P1 U1 @1 J; h1 l
4.pig out  

5.otto the cat
% z7 m, \1 V8 N/ M5 |
6.Don’t wake the baby7.The big snowball  ?/ h5 a# D) ~! ?
8.benny's big bubble, D+ C9 `- [$ E: B
9.Silly Willy% H, n# U- y; i5 X3 w6 [0 e6 b9 Q
10.Is that you,santa?
: g; M' N. k4 [2 n* n0 \
11.Too noisy!7 i1 m1 S1 c2 m2 F9 Q
12.In a dark,dark house

13Dog Wash Day

14Space Kid

15Calling All Cats

16Play with Max and Ruby  

17Max and Ruby's Show-and-Tell

18Max and Ruby Play School  

19King Big Wig  

20Annie the Brave  

! H) x: N2 ?- M6 U6 `! j7 L
9 l6 ]2 ^' k+ j) i) a  Y% }- {8 k: Y0 U  R$ k

: U$ v  e% e' Q: a0 L7 Z引用汪培珽的话:8 Y6 h, k8 I- C: z+ I
7 M. |3 @, N  E$ [

0 v' c& P, ]2 L4 V9 T) j“如果您的孩子刚开始英文绘本的学习,那么您可以选择这套书。如果您的孩子4岁以内,即使学会英文,还是会推荐第一阶段。如果您的孩子在7岁上小学之前,没有什么听英文的基础,还是建议从第一阶段开始。”, ^" z: t/ }$ G0 F  W
% s1 e: S2 U- z4 L9 n$ e( w' Q

" w7 ?+ {5 J5 T( ^对于国内大多数没有英文阅读基础的孩子来说,这套书完全适合:0-7岁( V$ ^# _. {/ x- [: U' F
! R! ^- r1 t, v" N( z# ~
汪培珽在《培养孩子的英文耳朵》一书中对这套书的建议是:0-2岁% {9 M# }) h: u  r/ j4 ]$ X
- l- G7 ]& D. A. ~4 v$ J
* v# W! ?: Q: Q+ |* ~
引用汪培珽的话:0 X! B5 G, n+ Z( i# w4 y1 @
$ W: W/ j2 ]9 P7 K
9 `* w# J; e5 p1 \7 f$ Z, W! {
% E( W2 Q4 {" ~% g+ u  @
. L2 L& r" N0 I: Y. r7 z, s$ Y1 w+ V( m: S( \4 e4 l% N& I
对于国内大多数没有英文阅读基础的孩子来说,这套书完全适合:0-7岁" ]( ^3 C% R( j. b7 k
8 Q: l; H1 ]6 @1 ?0 S( Q* }/ e0 u/ S


The little engine that could helps out译文伴读5 q( w; h/ a! |; u2 k1 C6 N5 P

' z% J% l* @: O, w% r2 B9 S


% b$ W! Q; i8 M. F! f& D
5 Z$ Y# n0 K  [& X! E

“Look at me!”

the little clown says to the dolls and monkey.

"I can do tricks.

I can walk on my hands.

I can stand on a ball."


3 X2 o$ X) d& @

7 [7 W2 V3 j/ ~- O

"Look at me!" says the monkey.

He hops on his bike.

"I wish I had a bike," the clown says.

"My birthday is coming. I hope I get a bike."





- t# j. a' N8 o  \+ P. b* U
  k. Y: {$ F6 D) D: Y7 e! [

Soon it is his birthday.


The clown gets a new bike from the train.




0 S6 ~' E# x# r  e7 r! z1 f

$ K, ?8 e2 a3 A6 `! l8 Q

The clown jumps on the bike.

But off he falls.

So the clown tries again.


He falls off the bike again.






9 @8 f: B: b7 }2 U/ p2 {' G

- z% a! v8 o! \& g8 V% G

The clown is not hurt.

But he starts to cry.

"I cannot ride. I do not like my bike,"

says the clown.

And off he runs.




5 }9 U/ O: i* U% F( k" ?+ K
0 \+ b+ s+ y  g& J4 O

"I must help the clown." says the train.

And off she goes. Chug, chug.

She looks by the barn.

Is the clown there?







  B& o' E6 l2 L( P+ a$ ?/ E
; Y# n! ?" M" H% I2 c$ v. o

Chug, chug.

She looks by the circus tent.

Is the clown there?






* N* D+ h& q7 U

At last!

There is the clown——

by the trees on a swing.

The clown is still sad.





4 Z, |, \$ w& s1 ?
5 G- B: b) d! Q8 b

"Do not feel bad," the train tells the clown.

"It takes time to learn to ride a bike.

Try again and say

I think I can.

I think I can."




' r. i4 r0 J3 N  ~
' v" v/ R+ S+ \# U. E( z

The clown gets on his bike.

"I think I can,"

he says, over and over.


The clown is riding his bike.

"Look at me!" says the clown.






% Y3 n# [- r7 B& |
3 c6 X( n( ]/ Q! ?; O* Z

"Happy birthday!" says the dolls,

the monkey, and the train.

And then they all eat the cake!



3 q; a# r/ g+ U$ n
# Y% R' ?8 m* F% O; Q, V) o" D

bike clown ball monkey dolls train

自行车 小丑 球 猴子 洋娃娃们 火车

; J( @: C. w/ I

0 P4 e- c4 \) a

trees barn tent cake swing book

树 谷仓 帐篷 蛋糕 秋千 书

9 X, w/ l* }" i" Q& o# [# Q1 [' }3 F" j$ {7 U' b) D1 b- b, U

duck window bus star fish sun

鸭子 窗户 巴士 星星 鱼 太阳

" m2 A" n6 ?2 s
8 ?8 t) j& |' S9 t5 O" _

table dog apple truck cat bed

桌子 狗 苹果 卡车 猫 床

$ z7 I; {- _' g. |# d6 f" a
爱贝亲子绘本馆江宁莱茵店 爱贝亲子绘本馆江宁莱茵店为0-12岁孩子引进了上万本原版绘本有声图书,让孩子选择适合的绘本,在有声的世界里从小培养终生受益的阅读兴趣!(公众号:aibei-2011;一对一微信咨询wnm1623). 群主: 爱贝亲子绘本馆江宁莱茵店

