发表于: 2016-3-2 14:55:55
2 n0 g) ^7 }+ M: Q' c# Y4 f5 b5 n: h% p3 L% |
1. Caillou at daycareStoryteller: It’s time for a story, you guys. Let’s see where Caillouwent today. Today’s story is called “Caillou at Daycare”. It was Caillou’sfirst day and he was a little bit nervous.
9 g- h7 S: ^- k+ PCaillou:“I don’t want to go, Mommy. I want to stay with you.”
$ f  ]8 H* i& Y3 N8 `Mommy: Oh, so do I, Caillou. But you know Mommy has to go to work. And daycarecan be fun. Hear that?
) n7 x. a! s' ]. X. i. u! PTeacher: Hello, I’m Anne Martin, the teacher. And you must be Caillou.
( A! O( }6 O; y$ OStoryteller: Caillou was scared and shy.
+ T2 ^7 Y& P  r4 g$ V1 D0 bMommy: Now I’m gonna have to go, honey.! _4 l) J# S* |0 M+ }! j
Caillou: No, I don’t want you to go, Mommy.2 p3 x7 |+ D( w* I4 Y. r
Mommy: I’ll be back Cailou. Don’t be sad.
7 [# h2 O( [4 @Storyteller: Even Caillou’s Mommy was sad to leave him at daycare for the firsttime.5 p/ ^5 s9 V) B6 e8 |
Teacher: Here, Caillou. Have a glass of apple juice. Do you want me tointroduce you to the other children?
" U& G9 E2 X! D9 bTeacher: OK, maybe after your juice then.
5 I+ c# ~" r, x/ W: ~! ]! k3 G8 aLeo: Hey! Those are my blocks!; W0 }2 a) Q. c' E* |
Caillou: Mommy!
& t# C- |/ i0 ]7 }1 w" m  dLeo: hmm, your mommy’s gone.
. `/ U" R# F! v: e2 V( n) CClementine: Hi, I’m Clementine. What’s your name?/ H% l) K4 `, q2 y2 R( t( O
Caillou: En, Caillou.
' Y! G( O1 y6 {5 PClementine: That’s Leo. He doesn’t like to share.
  D: V8 U% x2 d; m( c, G4 r- bClementine: Do you want to play? I’m doing cut-outs. See, here’s an apple and that’sa banana, and this is raisin toast, you can eat them though, they’reonly pretend
0 x, Z+ s4 e' p: ?3 nDo you like daycare?1 B+ @9 z7 q( P1 `1 `( t- N2 S
Caillou: I like staying at my grandmother’s better.) R# c2 {7 }/ d5 D$ T
Clementine: That’s where you stay when your mom and dad are busy?$ Q8 [6 {% M: A" V! T# z& t$ W0 H4 g
Caillou: She is an artist and I get to play with paints, and brushes, and paper,and crayon, and chalk, and color pencils…+ ~0 x4 e# O" C7 J/ ?6 o0 D; {2 }, z
Clementine: we got all that’s stuff here.( D, x8 X& n* Y' N( f, M, y' K# X% p

& G4 j# w, ^3 b9 y/ o
' l. c1 I" `# b4 I

( W* M& F! _* {6 c8 _( Z
freeblue  评论于  2016-3-3 12:37:51
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Date  评论于  2016-6-23 09:03:11
英语动画资源圈 英文动画是孩子英语启蒙的不错选择,爱贝网的英语动画非常多,我也分享过不少动画资源。特别在爱贝建立一个英语动画资源圈,方便各位爸爸妈妈!大家如果有好的资源欢迎共享! 群主: 我是猫爱吃鱼

