小美妞 [大学生]
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发表于: 2018-10-18 14:23:48

7 h2 ]1 L7 u* {% L) |* B' N

廖彩杏英文书单:《The Very Quiet Cricket》译文分享

3 l7 M, [; J" Z+ }3 O

+ k$ n3 U3 u) y" ~9 F& X* K


" E- Q5 |$ x4 s7 P" r# Y

The Very Quiet Cricket

* T4 p! X' I" q! a; \4 F% m) p  T


7 B# t5 q% i$ ~2 B

One warm day, from a tiny egg a little cricket was born.

, v+ J  e1 ?( o1 g0 O+ m

% r. U2 j6 I* \1 J$ I1 {* ~$ B) n& V


1 D! O9 F1 ^* w& R; b


8 S& k  H& H# H9 T1 y: R/ g4 _

Welcome! chirped a big cricket, rubbing his wings together. The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together. But nothing happened. Not a sound.

. {( `# J2 l) W* Y8 t% o8 z/ `1 y

2 v+ D7 @+ G, y7 v4 u


2 v2 t; \# I2 F/ b' g


( ?& K2 i  q: e# u8 x2 k. c) U1 K

Good morning! whizzed a locust, spinning through the air. The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together. But nothing happened. Not a sound.

$ i! [* s6 a! W5 R, {$ f" ^% A7 B/ N& O8 N1 m


7 A5 s4 H$ o; K3 [. b, E+ G1 x4 h3 j


7 q6 e; `& W6 e. y0 i9 F) m

Hello! whispered a praying mantis, scraping his huge front legs together. The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together. But nothing happened. Not a sound.

5 o5 j+ e$ o. g/ r! p

# X0 A& J! P( k! J. V+ V: |


0 a1 D+ u0 L9 M. F- x


; G- O" g1 D9 T; g6 B6 [, }- r% B

Good day! crunched a worm, munching its way out of an apple. The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together. But nothing happened. Not a sound.

% Z3 a5 J6 q* P0 z. b, Z/ B5 h
7 Z' U9 Z5 K- R& J& b


1 |8 W: }6 |; P( ~- S


5 {# M( f% u8 {- x$ G

Hi! bubbled a spittlebug, slurping in a sea of froth. The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together. But nothing happened. Not a sound.

. i$ s6 f# i: g, k/ T  d6 \' F6 B5 t$ y8 _' c


4 g/ k4 d6 k6 `# [0 w1 }" ]0 r


# s; D; S* s3 o% O! L) J1 v

Good afternoon! screeched a cicada, clinging to a branch of a tree. The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together. But nothing happened. Not a sound.

* e$ C- g3 m% o) ?8 n

! E. f% E- D4 _1 u5 G' m3 O


1 T! J3 @( [9 q2 w( R0 z


$ j: P7 s+ i9 a1 l5 K8 p9 q

How are you! hummed a bumblebee, flying from flower to flower. The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together. But nothing happened. Not a sound.

; F/ P: M; t5 p3 S8 W9 t- U' v/ H5 D" i; Y3 o9 ?


0 \& a( M8 ]- n0 ^1 h$ z, y


' E1 X& b& ?, X; G4 n% n. U

Good evening! whirred a dragonfly, gliding above the water. The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together. But nothing happened. Not a sound.

- A& W$ q7 i6 l2 h3 F! l3 \& B; A  T. f


: o6 R2 B8 C  ~- p  x& S9 o# J


- O/ y" @3 l8 o

Good night! buzzed the mosquitoes, dancing among the stars. The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together. But nothing happened. Not a sound.

; l4 F+ L' D0 _- _

1 T- K& {' @% F' m8 C3 H


( b& y  a6 R+ L3 g


' B0 c/ E: M! j" P1 ~6 r: o

A luna moth sailed quietly through the night. And the cricket enjoyed the stillness.

6 n% W. y8 u7 w) q

6 \; C9 _5 s% ~1 D$ D5 A6 _


. `, _" B/ ]$ P


  |1 ?% x0 u0 s1 Q4 W

As the luna moth disappeared silently into the distance, the cricket saw another cricket. She, too, was a very quiet cricket.

# [& t# e* m4 X) w* j( @- M
* v  ^: c- K6 Y# j+ t" V2 O


$ ~! {1 w4 K( x6 D' a. m


5 A/ y+ j3 O' @  D

Then he rubbed his wings together one more time. And this time...he chirped the most beautiful sound that she had ever heard.

1 e: v0 e8 C, m& I/ C, s
. D+ d+ Y: G8 |7 {) |9 o


  G( ~! J, w" c% N5 v

- ^1 y% C: K7 A* r8 M3 Y: A/ q& T- b/ I+ n" l9 t0 Z7 v1 [$ \
: w7 d7 W4 y2 V3 D
0 y, _. Z/ {7 X# e7 o5 o# o: @英语启蒙:廖彩杏书单100本,52周计划安排(附高清pdf+动画+MP3)全套
' N0 n5 q0 ]. E& M+ A廖彩杏书单:一年52周130本英文绘本详细书单及阅读计划
5 k* j- l# Q' N0 o6 V" n( {0 M, q! T* c6 J/ m& E6 ?
廖彩杏书单阅读 一个从未留洋,也自承发音并不道地的廖彩杏,总是很诚心的告诉对方:“与其花钱去补习班,不如有规律的听英文有声故事,不仅经济实惠,而且效果更好。”她自创了一年52周100本英文绘本阅读计划和书目清单,更有效的带孩子启蒙英语。 群主: 风起云涌

