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发表于: 2017-2-8 13:41:17
牛津阅读树 DD 1-20 Dogs in the Mud音频Mp3下载
# k4 A/ L& N% T( A4 o- F$ m
4 Q( g  ~7 x: y) | 牛津阅读树 DD 1-20 Dogs in the Mud 2 i0 a4 T' R7 u& S8 b
4 m/ X% r4 ^# h% y5 X4 _3 E% ~2 u2 b
牛津阅读树无字书DD 1-20 Dogs in the Mud的字幕:  ~8 ~/ w/ c  W5 ]8 V2 ^
  ], {- e- g% h5 }4 R8 `1 jLee’s mum andchildren took Floppy and Button out.6 R4 `8 N) F7 P8 w3 P! K* u9 W% b
Look, There is acute white poodle.: U% t# B" K; h0 O0 N* s1 g
Suddenly Floppyand Button began to run as they were having a race.
# `# g( N5 u9 [" c2-3
2 L- Y& J7 x: t0 D# S) C0 z- Y) uFloppy and Buttonwere chasing after the cute white poodle.5 c4 y0 Z1 ~9 u2 P* _
Look, they want tomake a friend.
- |$ v# {  P( w5 \9 E+ @  ZAs that moment,Lee’s mum threw a tennis ball far-out.
1 _6 l! c0 b( ?All of a sudden,Floppy and Button were chasing after the ball.
! [! m) V) @* W3 T5 `Will they catchit?
% F) |/ [: q! V2 E5 KI’m sure Floppy will.
$ j: g1 o8 `. W" z5 ?, ?5 f' ]% R: R4-5) F  z8 ^9 l& t
Oh, I knew it!Floppy is getting the ball.
4 q% b( n6 v: I4 C9 {Button is alsorunning after him.
6 A" `! |; s2 Z: I% f# f5 a# jOh, no! They arejumping into the mud.
0 `- m1 S7 o/ |+ T6-74 N" J) j3 E& `" P1 R% f6 G
Floppy and Buttonwere covered with the mud.
' s4 L5 Y$ D* D9 PWhat mussy dogs!
9 ~9 `9 P$ a! uFloppy and Buttonapproached the white poodle. And then...5 `, i" r" M: Q+ b) `, ?3 j+ F' X/ ?
Oh, no!4 ?. d) ]0 Y7 `9 z% X' Y9 r  D
: \5 P. t7 O* SLook, it gotmussy.
) v4 q1 I5 B% F3 X' `9 x9 C( e- LIt’s a cute brownpoodle.4 B5 Q: [& P+ g
Oh, dear. It’s my fault.' h2 I* ]1 ~) s$ b4 y2 Y7 J

5 t$ I5 ]# |: Y# Z8 N
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0 c  D0 Q3 t# ahttp://www.i-bei.com/shanghai/abhd/abhd/2016/0811/28827.html
2 ]) g' o# Z1 y% x; C$ L$ R0 L+ S( K3 s& J
牛津阅读树Oxford Reading Tree这棵树的系列全貌目录
8 P, b: P* _1 R; r* Ahttp://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-73917-1-1.html1 g9 Z+ }. X$ \% U" Z) `* p3 b
; V: m! q) t5 K+ ~, q- G+ P
, H6 G" D& s! ~; p. A* @! Ehttp://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-76596-1-1.html

4 ?# B  d/ y8 r5 M# M5 _

牛津阅读树Oxford Reading Tree资源汇总; ?. L! n, A; p: r: m. G$ C5 t6 t

  I7 y4 a) z! ?, s6 i% Z0 C
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