发表于: 2017-11-18 17:02:33
英文绘本Granpa外公(科特?马希拉奖绘本)ib格式点读包下载% j7 E/ i8 w) n) g8 u
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5 q) M5 i1 g2 s内容提要
: k) Q9 H5 w. }) B+ [7 ?Granpa nurses his granddaughter's dolls, mistakes herstrawberry-flavoured pretend ice-cream for chocolate, takes hertobogganing in the snow, and falls in with her imaginary plans tocaptain a ship to Africa, like all good Granpa's should. It is afriendship that children who read this book will longremember." m+ J" }) F% s9 R8 X
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xghjsno1  评论于  2020-7-3 12:40:41
thanks a lot
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