发表于: 2016-1-27 16:50:11
《The Accidental Afterlife of Thomas Marsden》电子书mobi+epub资源下载1 X5 K& ?3 ?$ g5 h0 Q
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: h: A: _2 S9 |7 B! ?- N 《The Accidental Afterlife of Thomas Marsden》电子书mobi+epub资源下载
0 p4 _2 f: T; O# n) f, w- @2 b0 R
3 r, b' H2 B; D6 n! }作者:Emma Trevayne
5 ^. F6 ?8 ^* R- ~适合年龄:8 - 12岁# l( t6 I, o7 u1 T; ]# c& t/ W
语言: English
# h+ Q; O9 o% s: z: d1 _2 l; H简介:
2 ~" W, |6 {/ t4 q4 j- `1 SWhat if you found your own grave—and it wasn’t empty? Discover the dark delights of faeries and fortune-tellers in this gently spooky book from the author of Flights and Chimes and Mysterious Times, sure to appeal to fans of Coraline.8 _; H, t, r: H9 r# q3 m
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Grave robbing is a messy business.
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1 v+ A; f9 e7 CA bad business. And for Thomas Marsden, on what was previously an unremarkable spring night in London, it becomes a very spooky business. For lying in an unmarked grave and half covered with dirt is a boy the spitting image of Thomas himself. This is only the first clue that something very strange is happening. Others follow, but it is a fortune-teller’s frightened screams that lead Thomas into a strange world of spiritualists, death, and faery folk. Faery folk with whom Thomas’s life is bizarrely linked. Faery folk who need his help., o% K) {1 ?4 M/ f) z; X

6 `: r. B3 O0 K8 H$ @- tDesperate to unearth the truth about himself and where he comes from, Thomas is about to discover magic, ritual, and the uncanny truth that sometimes the things that make a boy ordinary are what make him extraordinary.

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《The Accidental Afterlife of Thomas Marsden》电子书mobi+epub资源下载
5 F) T3 f2 f4 e) i
一条红尾鱼  评论于  2018-6-20 13:14:03
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