发表于: 2016-1-15 17:07:29
《Mister Max 系列》(2本)电子书mobi+epub资源下载
7 d$ n1 [4 ~5 W1 o5 _, @7 v! U% A" B0 U# E" ]( A+ @
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% c9 H6 q) f/ B- u' b1 a2 |. x

' P, y  G( y0 [' w作者:Cynthia Voigt , Z, S' l2 {6 P/ S' Q0 a
适合年龄:8 - 12岁9 J1 Y( u+ s# z- j% S" S5 p
语言: English
% E( u0 J& D+ P简介:: N' e( q# o( n6 v  @. P1 ~
Newbery medalist Cynthia Voigt presents a rollicking mystery in three acts!
1 [/ ^3 Q- C. i/ i4 O
. g9 P4 ?( j1 d' g# _3 E$ aMax's parents are missing. They are actors, and thus unpredictable, but sailing away, leaving Max with only a cryptic note, is unusual even for them. Did they intend to leave him behind? Have they been kidnapped?
% q( `& Y: {/ ~( Z* B) G; S1 B" l& Z8 A* b
Until he can figure it out, Max feels it's safer to keep a low profile. Hiding out is no problem for a child of the theater. Max has played many roles, he can be whoever he needs to be to blend in. But finding a job is tricky, no matter what costume he dons.: n4 q' r: l& Z; B( C" J
' q2 b2 F# J* I# `7 ~5 p
Ironically, it turns out Max has a talent for finding things. He finds a runaway child, a stray dog, a missing heirloom, a lost love. . . . So is he a finder? A detective? No, it's more. Max finds a way to solve people's problems—he engineers better outcomes for them. He becomes Mister Max, Solutioneer.  
5 q$ t/ k, T0 |  p$ O# G3 f4 D& J
* |% o, O5 c8 J, sNow if only he could find a solution to his own problems . . .

: ~0 w) Z* c; p  ]# [; f; {9 G: M$ Y% j2 D- M$ |7 J: P7 s

  k- p2 g! i2 \6 _. j目录:
2 D8 l" l: M( I% IThe Book of Lost Things
9 b% G/ }: I+ q8 q, j: w
《Mister Max 系列》(2本)电子书mobi+epub资源下载
; n3 p* P0 q) d5 a9 \/ _
! C$ Q, w9 @" H* O/ B, F; q$ [# [3 NThe Book of Secrets- I/ Q* i4 `0 g3 R1 I/ W1 n
《Mister Max 系列》(2本)电子书mobi+epub资源下载
3 a# S  U8 S: G! v+ H
trankee  评论于  2019-3-2 14:03:11
有声书音频及电子书资 在电子产品盛产的年代,电子书和有声书因为能永久性保存携带又方便,所以当下的电子书很受欢迎。电子书和有声书也可以促进孩子阅读。所以就想着把电子书和有声书的资源整合起来,方便家长给孩子看。 群主: 小柒麦麦

