发表于: 2020-4-24 13:35:41


A Friend Indeed.pdf  17,403 KB  
# n6 F( {' ]- i, F( q( y( t: ?A Piece of Cake.pdf  15,724 KB  
) v$ Y$ f7 W$ |: u& fAll Things Bright and Beautiful.pdf  11,543 KB  
4 J$ \2 ^6 Q: \$ GBaby Angels.pdf  8,111 KB  
/ I( U1 J& J- O6 t$ v; r& CBear and Roly-Poly.pdf  19,702 KB  
; T& `! v* G8 C- s# MBunny Trouble.pdf  15,130 KB  
5 ?/ }" B3 e5 _; p* V! Q' NChloe Maude.pdf  27,290 KB  
% `% V/ e: K( r! X) oCome Play With Me.pdf  13,175 KB  
9 l4 Q/ _# S( N, n3 L! o2 GCorduroy's Easter Party.pdf  11,996 KB  
6 v  ^7 f6 i+ IFive Minutes Peace.pdf  13,732 KB  
: \. Q* L# I- R8 M. v# DGingerbread Mouse.pdf  19,380 KB  
; J% A/ A1 R: K  y5 m$ }Happy Halloween.pdf  10,100 KB  ) }$ k9 }, ~0 {* ~
Happy Thanksgiving, Biscuit.pdf  13,771 KB  
4 j8 n. q- B) r  p& K1 M" ^6 b. r+ vHired Help for Rabbit.pdf  5,875 KB  2 d3 ]  U2 {3 @" l8 w+ j: Q0 H1 h
In A Pumpkin Shell.pdf  16,033 KB  
+ P* q) h1 D- u2 B7 i+ C4 D" iJake Baked the Cake.pdf  16,325 KB  
$ J! t& q; W7 c/ i. u1 hLullabies for little Hearts.pdf  20,896 KB  
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( O! i$ o2 q6 z' q# K, S: wPuppy Too Small.pdf  9,073 KB  
4 Z/ f' Q% ?) P' {. FQueen of the Snow.pdf  18,498 KB  
3 H7 C  z* N0 {/ i# S. U9 f! sSnuggle Bunnies.pdf  3,974 KB  
- x  R& _( ?4 C5 ^7 D- DSo Many Bunnies.pdf  16,543 KB  ! w$ X  l6 a' z1 ]3 ^
Stories of Santa.pdf  13,031 KB  ' M7 Y2 _: `8 t: d
Sugar and Spice.pdf  30,736 KB  
) m! _6 L# S! t  M& p/ cThe Best Easter Basket Ever.pdf  10,810 KB  
/ o4 J% I- _% z( {: x! D  XThe Best Thing About Valentines.pdf  9,158 KB  - h% |) I* k) O5 j+ D
The Christmas Story.pdf  18,383 KB  
4 a% h6 Q0 U7 U: L" v- dThe Night Before Christmas.pdf  9,392 KB  
/ G) T. q# F/ \* }# P. U8 b+ _The Very Special Valentine.pdf  9,887 KB  
- ?* G' d- {+ u& |0 D- Z( k4 SValentine's Day Word.pdf  11,081 KB  1 G- {' `. T# w
What is God Like.pdf  23,468 KB  
7 w# }6 M0 y" A7 u% l# ~" d% C0 nWishing You Daisy Days.pdf  7,805 KB  
. f& O$ A' A4 S0 Y% X% I* yYes Virginia.pdf  13,424 KB  
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儿童英语分级读物 目前市面上八大主流的分级读物:牛津阅读树、I can Read系列、RAZ、Step into Reading、海尼曼、我的图书馆系列、培生幼儿英语、培生儿童英语。 群主: 超级傲慢的达西

