Miranda [博士生]
1863 0
发表于: 2017-12-22 14:57:36

The Nest

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The Nest

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Steve just wants to save his baby brother - but what will he lose in the bargain? This is a haunting gothic tale for fans of Coraline, from acclaimed author Kenneth Oppel (Silverwing, The Boundless).& G# F* v$ j3 {* N3 `
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For some kids summer is a sun-soaked season of fun. But for Steve it's just another season of worries. Worries about his sick newborn baby brother, who is fighting to survive; worries about his parents, who are struggling to cope; even worries about the wasp's nest looming ominously from the eaves. So when a mysterious wasp queen invades his dreams, offering to "fix" the baby, Steve thinks his prayers have been answered.

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All he has to do is say yes. But yes is a powerful word. It is also a dangerous one. And once it is uttered, can it be taken back?

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有声书音频及电子书资 在电子产品盛产的年代,电子书和有声书因为能永久性保存携带又方便,所以当下的电子书很受欢迎。电子书和有声书也可以促进孩子阅读。所以就想着把电子书和有声书的资源整合起来,方便家长给孩子看。 群主: 小柒麦麦

