发表于: 2016-1-27 16:42:38
《The Maloneys Magical Weatherbox》电子书mobi+epub资源下载0 w4 x, n$ D" |3 O

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《The Maloneys Magical Weatherbox》电子书mobi+epub资源下载 / y1 u, y2 b/ e: T  W5 m* k0 ^0 X
+ Y! b0 H! ]% T7 ]" b
作者:Nigel Quinlan
# F  o# B3 d8 L- X, T! R: Q: @适合年龄:9 - 12岁
9 D& D/ i0 z0 C. w6 @8 [7 l5 S: k- U) n语言: English* y/ x' d' r; E/ b
3 H4 a: q! \3 @: j) Q! mNeil and Liz measure their lives by the regularity of the seasons, until one year when autumn doesn't arrive and all weather breaks loose.
9 [( Y! c) Y/ ?4 U9 A$ l# c9 ZNeil and Liz Maloney have a secret: Their father is the keeper of the Weatherbox, a magical phone booth that rings four times a year, signaling the changing of the seasons. But this summer when the family gathers to send off the season, the phone doesn't ring and autumn does not arrive. Instead a mysterious tourist of magic shows up at their doorstep, along with two nonsensical hags and one cat-shaped bog beast. The only one not taken by surprise is their neighbor Mrs. Fitzgerald, who seems to be able to make the elements of weather itself do her bidding.
( q  C% E/ p3 F0 `1 ?  ]Now it's up to Neil and Liz to discover the source of Mrs. Fitzgerald's power and restore order to the climate.

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' W; A% ]# T' n, }8 o& K 《The Maloneys Magical Weatherbox》电子书mobi+epub资源下载
, l6 s0 X3 ?6 H4 b# s* E! d7 C( m
一条红尾鱼  评论于  2018-6-20 13:13:08
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