王妃 [博士生]
5910 43
发表于: 2020-7-17 14:01:33
先前搜索了下,大侦探内特的电子书一直都不全。这次从外网下载到了全部文本,除最后28、29本转换报错,其余可以转换的都转成了PDF格式。: D7 o; s; H$ a, A4 x& B% G# W* ^- o
然后书本和MP3,都做了书名排序。4 @* b6 I4 [" x* u5 [+ E' w
  O5 n( ^/ G7 Y5 ]: f5 N
01、Nate the Great* a: _/ Q" Y5 J
02、Nate the Great Goes Undercover. x' H; V, [3 \  `  k
03、Nate the Great and the Monster Mess8 |0 I$ E$ S- V3 B2 ?9 Y+ B$ `. G( Q3 M
04、Nate the Great and the Halloween Hunt3 R( c6 C# U% l
05、Nate the Great and the Phony Clue
2 A% T( j) `0 X# ^/ S9 H0 L& S" z- q06、Nate the Great and the Crunchy Christmas! Y) X3 {( s' d+ V5 Y& U% V
07、Nate the Great and the Snowy Trail+ \6 x) Q4 b; Y
08、Nate the Great and the Missing Key
1 [6 ^: b) {6 L09、Nate the Great and the Lost List) G! g  K1 r+ ~. X$ L7 ~  @
10、Nate the Great and the Hungry Book Club
1 o( S( K9 H5 d* @11、Nate the Great and the Sticky Case; p2 L  h. d" V8 j' g
12、Nate the Great and the Mushy Valentine
7 E! y' J* R: B  ?1 n13、Nate the Great and the Stolen Base
( z" D: c3 O5 o14、Nate the Great and the Boring Beach Bag
6 m3 s9 c9 P% K6 t9 O$ p15、Nate the Great and the Fishy Prize' Y9 n& w! l% w2 \& F' |  a; `
16、Nate the Great Talks Turkey) v' @5 @1 Z6 ^
17、Nate the Great, San Francisco Detective& ~. V1 |- D) ], Q8 \' E
18、Nate the Great and the Big Sniff
" e  o$ w9 S- P- \19、Nate the Great and the Tardy Tortoise% j( @. w! H- U6 w, y# O0 x
20、Nate the Great and the Pillowcase
/ ]- j4 t, L3 h% ^. n2 b8 y" `21、Nate the Great and the Musical Note4 k9 g) h  C; t/ n( C. k: n$ \1 U
22、Nate the Great Goes Down in the Dumps, \- I- f) S5 @& J; A/ T. G! J; Y
23、Nate the Great Stalks Stupidweed4 Z3 G$ K$ s1 b, E' [
24、Nate the Great on the Owl Express3 F2 H$ T2 V0 x$ t
25、Nate the Great Saves the King of Sweden
- V* l7 N4 e+ I* J+ C, W( B26、Nate the Great and Me the Case of the Fleeing Fang
/ p  ~3 R/ z, D+ e0 j. E
3 [$ F# [1 n4 j新增文本:
( s7 N4 L& W+ i3 q' I) u* J27. Nate the Great, Where Are You? (2015), with Mitchell Sharmat, illus. Wheeler
1 C6 D- Q) N( h  z2 Y. V28. Nate the Great and the Missing Birthday Snake (2018), with Mitchell Sharmat, illus. Wheeler
2 p; D4 k8 z' i) n" e29. Nate the Great and the Wandering Word (March 13, 2018), with Mitchell Sharmat, illus. Wheeler% j; I4 k  t0 j; X4 `& ?
9 x3 @5 v  B" V8 e: G
- ]! v! `7 g% E, r+ {7 f
6 r* _- _* u! o# C  G* ^
绘本链接:Nate the Great了不起的小侦探内特27册
& ]! D6 K& s. x# L) N6 C- n; ~3 ^# D  V! x& Q
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1uMy-gSz7TdKG1ofhpcXbnQ 提取码:
2 I) q# h  M" L( [* J
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原版英语资料下载 原版英语资源圈建设的目的就是帮助爸妈们更好的找到需要的资料,本圈子主要是分英语绘本pdf、英语MP3音频。大家如果在外面没找到自己想要的资源,可以在本圈子搜索或求助。欢迎各位爸爸妈妈加入哦! 群主: Miranda

