发表于: 2019-12-20 14:19:30

I have who has  ABC fun 自然拼读亲子游戏

1) Print,laminate, and cut out the cards.
7 A5 X3 R8 [2 O$ L- h打印(可选择彩色、黑白版本)、过胶、裁剪。3 K4 f1 I2 O2 q* T% [* @5 r
. r) B* Q: l& E$ Z* I! q
2) Distribute one card to each child. If you have less than 27 students,& q) @- Y7 _9 N- a" R2 e/ z
you may want to give a few students more than one or include yourself in distribution.
, F, s5 h: R& e) ~) }) t; P4 m3人以上可玩,如果玩家低于27人,每人可以多发几张。
9 ]6 B/ S/ e0 H! `4 h7 y I have who has  ABC fun 自然拼读亲子游戏
. l( S% r9 p9 m. F+ O# l3) Play begins when the student with the first card reads his card.
- \: T2 o# Y4 g% A% ~( AStudents must listen for the first word/picture on their cards., Z2 ^4 x. M0 _2 y* d) q
When a student hears his word/picture read, he then reads his card.
: Z( b. i2 M6 w3 w: S2 BPlay continues until the last cardis read.
& ~/ K: r4 y5 V. n玩家持有“I have the first card”卡片第一出牌,然后念读卡片上的内容,
: ~/ x1 e8 g8 l% l1 B! V: ?8 X. d: V7 K6 J其他玩家们需认真听出牌者所念的字母、内容,
& j* M) l+ U7 R3 G手中有所念的内容的玩家接着出牌,直到最后的牌出掉。& n  W/ q7 c. e3 }0 F( `
I have who has  ABC fun 自然拼读亲子游戏
  y: y5 ~4 U/ `- {6 wThe following CVC words and pictures are included in this game:  O( n) K' l! I2 m5 u: N  K
ant, boat, candy,dog, egg, fish, gum, horse, inch, jet, kite,5 V( K7 k8 |8 ]# v3 P% ^& T
lion, moon, nest, owl, pig, queen,rabbit, sun, turtle, umbrella,5 p8 W" c7 n; V3 w1 |* A2 E
vase, web, fox or xylophone, yak, zebra.
. e+ }- w; i3 K7 I3 v. `, ?" O
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1DacbotLNGFZUdeLLzdA06Q
购买游客,本内容需要支付爱币 30爱币 才能浏览   

: s. |1 ]! ~8 H. M* {6 ^
  z. J* P  [! f; E4 ^9 A
自然拼读资源圈 就突然想建一个自然拼读的圈子,有空就往这里面塞点资源。爱贝亲子网有很多自然拼读的资料,希望爱贝的管理员能把自然拼读的资料移到这个圈子里来!呵呵! 群主: 请叫我女王陛下

