王妃 [博士生]
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发表于: 2019-7-5 14:49:40
英文动画:Strawberry Shortcake 草莓蛋糕女孩 第一季+第二季+特别版合集网盘分享
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英文动画:Strawberry Shortcake 草莓蛋糕女孩 第一季+第二季+特别版合集网盘分享
草莓女孩系列陆续发过一些DVD,现在发布的是第一季全剧集的下载,DVD的内容是按照不同的主题从动画剧集里抽取重新打包发布的,所以有部分重复。草莓女孩系列语速相对朵拉要快,内容长短每集在22分钟左右。2 V( ]3 q: p" h8 |$ F
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在故事内容的安排上,还是以分享、理解、互助为主线,但是总体的感觉是相对于内容而言,整个系列更注重画面的唯美,这可能和草莓娃娃的诞生有关。草莓蛋糕女孩(Strawberry Shortcake)和她的猫的造型,是在1977年,由 Muriel Fahrion 女士为美国贺卡公司所设计的贺卡图案人物造型。
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草莓娃娃Strawberry Shortcake(草莓女孩)诞生于80年代的美国,Strawberry shortcake是一个特别为2-7岁儿童所设计的角色,她活泼、好奇、对学习充满了兴趣。故事以此角色为主轴,讲述可爱的草莓娃娃在欢乐的草莓乐园愉快生活和学习的故事。5 K2 y& ^/ I, X
英文动画:Strawberry Shortcake 草莓蛋糕女孩 第一季+第二季+特别版合集网盘分享
* Q( I5 m7 I. H
# i" ^/ D0 y- p/ s本文提供草莓女孩 Strawberry Shortcake TV 动画下载,全二季+特别季共39集,第一季全26集,第二季全9集,分辨率640x352,平均每集170M,特别季4集,分辨率544x416,平均每集约300M。绝大部分mp4格式,少数avi格式,三季都是英语发音,无字幕。分辨率比较低,在平板上或者手机上播放效果最佳。草莓女孩系列语速相对朵拉要快,内容长短每集在22分钟左右。- J9 R  q$ v# k7 |
英文动画:Strawberry Shortcake 草莓蛋糕女孩 第一季+第二季+特别版合集网盘分享
- d& E4 d6 n: U; X! K第一季全26集目录:/ V% n& h) M& m9 e. u0 o
6 L" `. M% u9 T( U) S% N
Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s00e01 A Berry Grand Opening SD DVD.avi
- F7 I1 E# p1 L! [' h2 qStrawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s00e02 The Skys the Limit SD DVD.mp4
9 X  {, B2 X4 j: j9 C! XStrawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s00e03 Berryfest Princess SD DVD.avi, Z6 d" U2 \& B( u* E
Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s00e04 Glimmerberry Ball SD DVD.mp4
  K: Q0 W0 E1 L5 A# uStrawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e01 Fish Out of Water SD DVD.mp43 n! f7 P- f3 a: {7 v
Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e02 A Stitch in Time SD DVD.mp4& z& ?4 {" Y& L& Y
Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e03 Vanishing Violets SD DVD.mp4
! o$ C$ [" `9 L  }Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e04 Babysitter Blues SD DVD.mp4) B6 t, K: b' E1 o7 P
Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e05 Hair Today Gone Tomorrow SD DVD.mp4
' E! ]& |/ a" l  N2 BStrawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e06 Pop Goes the Garden SD DVD.mp4
# w" y; U) {+ Y% d- DStrawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e07 The Berry Best You Can Bee SD DVD.mp4
- |! n( R) S5 J8 S! e/ ~Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e08 Strawberry's House Pest SD DVD.mp4
/ O; w+ y0 r, u/ ^' AStrawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e09 Berry Bitty World Record SD DVD.mp41 f% v- M' a9 v7 Z
Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e10 Too Cool For Rules SD DVD.mp4! `  D/ {! o2 S, K, v- V. b
Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e11 Berry Best BerryFest Princess SD DVD.mp4
( [1 f- g) w9 m! Q3 z% E" ?Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e12 Strawberry's Berry Big Parade SD DVD.mp4- [: k  ^& Y( d! P% Z' I
Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e13 The Berry Best Choice SD DVD.mp4
+ d  W( Y: L4 y  E/ B7 DStrawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e14 Nothing to Fear But Berries Themselves SD DVD.mp4
5 x( K. _& F3 n3 C8 \1 GStrawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e15 Where Oh Where Has My Blueberry Gone SD DVD.mp40 w/ b+ \( g/ ~7 e0 J8 {/ R
Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e16 Manners Meltdown SD DVD.mp4
, P, k' ^& K9 ZStrawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e17 Trading Sizes SD DVD.mp4
% F9 y& i$ a# xStrawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e18 Different Waltz for Different Faults SD DVD.mp4
' {5 u! y& W! X5 uStrawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e19 Happy First Frost SD DVD.mp41 f3 t+ L% Y- r& n- e, n
Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e20 A Circle of Friends SD DVD.mp4
% f& p: U  E/ L2 }7 F6 t6 pStrawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e21 Glimmerberry Ball SD DVD.mp4
" c& m8 K: A, a. |Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e22 Nice as Nails SD DVD.mp4: P6 Y: O1 @4 O7 e2 |
Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e23 How You Play the Game SD DVD.mp4
' i5 a+ S2 b7 U( MStrawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e24 Good Citizens Club SD DVD.mp46 g8 r1 {+ ^  {2 y
Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e25 Team For Two SD DVD.mp4
) d! [  K" N  p6 |. qStrawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s01e26 Lost and Found SD DVD.mp4+ {: a1 g- j0 ~2 Q

- \; T0 `0 K% X: p" [. N第二季全9集目录:. _1 |  b/ W7 A" R& a* G  `3 X
Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s02e01 The Berry Big Harvest SD DVD.mp40 q2 N8 f1 M/ Z+ ?: ]8 z
Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s02e02 Room At the Top SD DVD.mp4
1 T; c. w$ V( T( I5 E( h; ~Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s02e04 Practice Makes Perfect SD DVD.mp4- _; j6 x& T2 b$ ~+ M' F
Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s02e05 Top Talent SD DVD.mp46 K9 l: M5 s9 E
Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s02e06 A Star is Fashioned SD DVD.mp4& K0 L' M: g* D. M
Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s02e07 No Blueberry is an Island SD DVD.mp4
7 O4 b# S' u# J. O1 vStrawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s02e08 Where The Berry Breeze Blows SD DVD.mp4  k( e9 M$ t' d4 X! J/ n
Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s02e09 The Berry Best Vacation SD DVD.mp4
- E- b) b6 ^; p6 TStrawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures s02e10 On the Road SD DVD.mp4/ G  ?" \2 T' J+ J

2 F7 `1 I8 I/ C' A3 ]+ ^' z* u特别季全4集目录:1 Q+ s3 P& i# {0 ^& J9 L

4 h4 `! L$ M/ C, b* ?6 [% V+ RStrawberry.Shortcake's.Berry.Bitty.Adventures.s00e01.A.Berry.Grand.Opening.SD.DVD.avi
3 I' i, p; u$ [8 U! U" Z6 aStrawberry.Shortcake's.Berry.Bitty.Adventures.s00e02.The.Skys.the.Limit.SD.DVD.mp4$ T. b0 |5 w4 `2 }- X2 C
$ m* P6 S1 J- N& C" F) S$ mStrawberry.Shortcake's.Berry.Bitty.Adventures.s00e04.Glimmerberry.Ball.SD.DVD.mp4
" z: o% s+ ^# c( v/ |5 ^  e  c- |  y* `; a; [5 n7 c, m0 N
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ASW2ND5LlokNtCbkgT-zZw
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英语动画资源圈 英文动画是孩子英语启蒙的不错选择,爱贝网的英语动画非常多,我也分享过不少动画资源。特别在爱贝建立一个英语动画资源圈,方便各位爸爸妈妈!大家如果有好的资源欢迎共享! 群主: 我是猫爱吃鱼

