发表于: 2017-11-18 16:13:20
儿童英文绘本Something from Nothing 爷爷一定有办法ib格式点读包下载
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内容简介' Y, l1 K- ]" y7 Z
Description of this Book The blanket Joseph's grandfather made him is transformed into many things as the years go by: a jacket, a vest, a tie, a handkerchief--and finally a button. Gilman's modern adaptation and lively illustrations turn this favorite Jewish tale into a contemporary classic.: y9 J' i8 N. H. a

' o! a$ w% M1 p作者简介5 q( g4 H6 e, \" ~: p% ~# a( N
Pheobe Gilman was the beloved creator of the Jillian Jiggs series as well as the award-winning Something From Nothing, The Gypsy Princess, Pirate Pearl, Little Blue Ben, The Balloon Tree, and Grandma and the Pirates. She passed away in 2002. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.0 P+ t9 a5 Q( l
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qianhen  评论于  2018-4-16 15:18:35
Something from nothing
qianhen  评论于  2018-4-16 15:19:23
hippopo_li  评论于  2018-4-30 12:35:17
酿雪舞雩  评论于  2018-5-25 14:21:24
孤独的根号3  评论于  2018-9-3 14:59:29
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