发表于: 2016-1-26 17:52:31
《Charlie and the Grandmothers》电子书mobi+epub资源下载+ J! }; o$ g7 E+ l9 Z! ~  k0 _# l

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《Charlie and the Grandmothers》电子书mobi+epub资源下载
5 C6 b- Z4 W2 {# A7 p9 N) `0 l: @; C+ x0 X$ l
作者:Katy Towell . u  E1 J4 S. f0 r) y0 ?" }% s
适合年龄:8 - 12岁) F5 m( O3 \+ d# Z, q0 _4 B
语言: English
$ ~" W1 J% `5 h+ k简介:! a7 M6 m" {1 S* w7 C' ?
A visit to Grandmother’s house has never been so frightening. . . .; s2 M8 c" ^- \/ G- h1 L
8 g1 F' P2 R4 o: \( g
Charlie and Georgie Oughtt have been sent to visit their Grandmother Pearl, and this troubles Charlie ) l' e) F9 X5 `2 T, Q* g
for three reasons. The first is that he’s an exceptionally nervous twelve-year-old boy, and he worries
! Z' b& I* W  A) N$ |/ C% Oabout everything. The second is that the other children in his neighborhood who pay visits to their
3 R% C, ~4 b6 D# c8 agrandmothers never seem to return. And the third is that Charlie and Georgie don’t have any
4 a( c$ e+ z6 A. _grandmothers.
" S: }' H1 O' Y; I$ f  t' K* \9 @5 i/ {3 i$ B  I2 G( Z
Upon their arrival, all of Charlie’s concerns are confirmed, as “Grandmother Pearl” quickly reveals * e( O0 H# h% |7 D# ^3 A
herself to be something much more gruesome than even Charlie’s most outlandish fears could have ; ~1 Y, _* H$ [! Q- D( F
predicted. He and Georgie are thrust into a creepy underworld created from stolen nightmares, where ) S$ q: b" P" r4 f6 x
monsters disguised as grandmothers serve an ancient, evil queen by holding children captive as they / g- M- b, \6 [
slowly sap each one of their memories and dreams.
3 f0 G4 l+ F0 i" a. q/ z9 X$ d: l- C" {! l2 K8 Z
But something is different about Charlie. His worrisome nature, so often a burden, proves an asset in ) W' T: _) C& w/ |& A6 Y
this frightening world. Will he be able to harness this newfound power to defeat the queen and save his
! ?4 r/ p& S* Ssister?

5 _0 E- p- b: E' V/ b( N  z2 g, I% s0 Z+ d7 p

5 p4 `( Y9 I% b7 Y) d+ _5 z1 L 《Charlie and the Grandmothers》电子书mobi+epub资源下载 7 [( Q+ C& W# _1 G
有声书音频及电子书资 在电子产品盛产的年代,电子书和有声书因为能永久性保存携带又方便,所以当下的电子书很受欢迎。电子书和有声书也可以促进孩子阅读。所以就想着把电子书和有声书的资源整合起来,方便家长给孩子看。 群主: 小柒麦麦

