发表于: 2020-5-16 14:20:24

英文书Counting to Perfect - Suzanne LaFleur 电子书mobi+epub下载

From the author of Eight Keys comes a loving story of sisters who are trying to find their way back to each other.Julia used to be the perfect big sister: she played great games and took good care of Cassie. Now life at home revolves around Julia and her daughter, Addie. No one pays much attention to Cassie: not to her competitive swim meets, and not to what's gone wrong with her friends.
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英文书Counting to Perfect - Suzanne LaFleur 电子书mobi+epub下载

英文书Counting to Perfect - Suzanne LaFleur 电子书mobi+epub下载

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When Julia confides in Cassie that she'll be leaving with Addie--without telling their parents--Cassie jumps in the car, too. As the days of lumberjack breakfasts and hotel pools start to add up, Cassie has to wonder: Could the sister who seems to be the source of all her problems also be the friend she's missed the most?
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链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ZorHIrcznAc4R8JWBRBnLA
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英语桥梁书&章节书 桥梁书 是引用西方国家书目上的 Bridging Books 概念,台湾翻译为 "桥梁书", 是一种针对低中年级孩子,带领他们从图像阅读,顺利跨入文字阅读。桥梁书的文字比绘本多、插图为辅、内容贴近孩子生活,不论是有趣或奇幻的故事,皆能寓教于乐。 群主: 香喷喷的臭豆腐

