发表于: 2020-2-29 13:59:44

英文原版pdf语法书-Just Enough English Grammar-精美彩色插图

Learn English grammar through graphics!
- Y8 C8 h  V2 [& lTo make grasping grammar easier--and more fun--Just Enough English Grammar uses colorful cartoons illustrate each important grammar point. You see the grammar concept in action, guaranteeing you will remember it next time you need to use it in writing or in conversation. Learning grammar has never been so easy!
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英文原版pdf语法书-Just Enough English Grammar-精美彩色插图

1 y" G% D. p, z: ~2 y1 k
Table of contents
% i* m5 }3 x% t* F3 F1. English Vocabulary. v6 Z8 {) \% [$ z# V" s; G, ]: T
Spanish Vocabulary6 e7 ]; E/ l2 t8 ^) W
2. Spanish Nouns3 W9 ^9 f; ?! m/ r; ~
Types of Spanish Nouns/ B9 w" Z$ c' A
Singular and Plural
  @! v3 I' l1 u, b0 ZGender
) Y" D+ @- `, v0 H7 mNouns as Subjects% {& n+ f" H) Y5 v! X
Nouns as Objects& X$ S( G1 {% G0 G. K; F
8 [# ]/ X3 R9 g' W5 G2 Y# |3. Pronouns& P% j1 w; t+ g7 e  M8 t- p. ~
4. Adjectives
. A; v  }3 n  i1 G) U, l% ]" g3 A; s5. Prepositions
. I" X0 ]. C5 y% |8 V" y' V. v6. Verbs
) n% }( w2 d0 J" x7. Adverbs5 b8 Z: V% V6 i3 _+ T
8. Conjunctions0 q" z& n& C1 C6 Y  t& w2 g
9. etc.* J# ~3 s7 T4 ]# A* E
10. Review Test. }* d5 O" Z2 E; x( z

9 ~, B, z6 v+ s. u6 OBiographical note9 k; X% l  U* G( ?
Gabrielle Stobbe is an innovative educator with over 25 years' experience teaching and tutoring foreign languages to students of all ages. She has taught at the Goethe Institute, John Hopkins School for Advanced Studies, and the Foreign Service Institute, Arlington, 4 B8 G+ X6 u6 r" e8 ?
/ O6 Q0 N( `" n6 [( f) e, @
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& s" p" ~' Y# ?# i: |8 }
儿童英语分级读物 目前市面上八大主流的分级读物:牛津阅读树、I can Read系列、RAZ、Step into Reading、海尼曼、我的图书馆系列、培生幼儿英语、培生儿童英语。 群主: 超级傲慢的达西

