发表于: 2020-2-27 13:25:04

英文原版:The Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z.EPUB格式

The Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z.内容简介:. [3 c: B$ {- k0 Z# ~4 t, w
Gianna Z. has less than one week to collect twenty-five leaves for a science project, or else she might lose her spot at cross-country sectionals. Finishing her project will be enough of a hurdle, but with a grandmother who keeps losing her teeth, a father who drives her to school in the family hearse, and an arch-nemesis intent on stealing her spot on the team, Gianna will need a stroke of brilliance to make everything fall into place.0 k0 K7 b( ]/ b, [' R

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英文原版:The Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z.EPUB格式

+ w* ?& {2 F. YThe Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z.基本信息:
: R" o) m, s9 B2 G7 y) `Age Range: 8 - 12 years
3 E5 B- _6 }$ iGrade Level: 3 and up/ B2 B  k8 x0 x7 `# Q+ g) t# q
Paperback: 224 pages
/ ?4 Y  D* u( d* |Publisher: Walker Childrens (September 14, 2010)
/ b, Y4 Q+ o! B! J5 P6 o2 TLanguage: English  A" z$ H2 m3 b; W) I% ]
' l" ~, }+ a( ^
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