发表于: 2016-1-22 15:30:02
《EllRay Jakes Rocks the Holidays》有声书音频MP3资源下载& o4 o) f+ R7 {
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0 l, j  ^' q& f) H" A4 d% R 《EllRay Jakes Rocks the Holidays》有声书音频MP3资源下载 9 N+ b7 R. z: m0 A- c
. t' S1 K; ^8 i2 O. U
作者:Sally Warne
, }) I! T- O9 q8 J2 b/ M适合年龄:5-8岁以上
$ h$ [% w: w( T/ e+ S9 V时长: 2 hrs and 41 mins * g& {! r4 q7 `( ]6 c( z
0 `+ z7 `1 N& G$ xThe small kid with big problems returns in the seventh book of this beloved series!8 k! u. Y/ A; P
3 ]. d! k9 x8 @) j% l  ?8 R0 d+ r
It’s almost Christmas and school is going great for EllRay. He’s “blending in” just the way he
4 f6 r$ d" r, ?, |! e8 m6 t$ vlikes. So when his father tells him he should be proud to be part of the African-American “community,”
' x% A& |" W6 F; O! w/ r7 g7 v7 X, ?! ~; E5 a, \, F
EllRay isn’t so sure he wants to call attention to his differences. After all, he’s only one of two
: s0 g9 C) C& D8 Wboys in his class with brown skin. And then, totally by accident, he insults the other boy—one of his ) q$ v: J8 J$ z
best friends—and all at once EllRay’s back to being the center of attention. And not exactly for good
5 H/ [$ W1 q7 R& g! K) wreasons.
% w# Z5 Z& T# v1 t! P- J1 L$ T% H. y# n0 J; B5 a
With Sally Warner’s trademark sense of humor and spot-on dialogue, EllRay confronts questions about
: e$ c$ `4 k! d8 f$ Srace and how it impacts both himself and everyone around him.
* Q' {; j3 w5 M6 X* b. ]1 K
有声书音频及电子书资 在电子产品盛产的年代,电子书和有声书因为能永久性保存携带又方便,所以当下的电子书很受欢迎。电子书和有声书也可以促进孩子阅读。所以就想着把电子书和有声书的资源整合起来,方便家长给孩子看。 群主: 小柒麦麦

