发表于: 2015-9-30 10:14:48
牛津阅读树1-10 Fetch无字书字幕
/ b+ v) L2 ^6 k% g# E  I& F& OFetch, fetch the ball.
2 E. \" H  p/ P5 }Look mummy, that dog is swimming./ T. K0 [5 L; h" U5 ^0 L* R
And the other dog is fetching the stick.
9 ^, V/ l9 g7 _, ~. z+ tOur floppy can dot it too.) I) D4 L- P, O: m& [6 b4 C
come on floppy, you can do it.
2 l' n- P& d" J7 C. ~2 f* fMummy ,he doesn't want to do it.
0 g  S7 ?4 s) G4 N) I, VFloppy can swim.! V6 Y: v3 \8 E# W3 W2 i2 P; P% u
Come on floppy, look at that dog.
( e. A2 J( }/ V2 ^3 q! uWhat's the matter floppy?* X7 g* ?: ^# x! ]7 T% M' Q2 Z
I don't want to fetch.
3 a! u* o0 K0 e* Z/ b, XHere mummy, I'll do it.! O2 d7 V, F7 s) o! l
come floppy, fetch,here goes.6 `1 L/ d$ H7 ~: T& W  ?
floppy, where are you going?
$ @& F6 I4 [3 Q5 S; [Look,mummy,he is jumping into the river.
8 B( h9 j5 b- u) I+ H" A4 |Oh,no,my hat.
( p- n5 U: Y1 Moh,floppy, you are the best, I love you.
7 n( Y7 [3 y; [2 Z2 S$ dYes,floppy is the best., J% d9 I% v/ X, `: W
what a good dog,floppy.# L( x9 P# D8 a5 t( v
歌曲; D; Q2 C8 c0 o
Are you ready? OK,sing together.. f: b6 e1 {3 `4 Z% o/ R* g3 v
there was a family had a dog and floppy was his name.OH!) |' j9 K$ M, q9 Y5 y) j3 u% H/ I
4 S! {3 a$ d( l% {- B7 N4 Qf-l-o-p-p-y: p5 R7 C4 {1 J) m& L
f-l-o-p-p-y2 ~/ y% c( ]' ?0 w1 L
and floppy was his name.OH!9 O2 c2 E7 _2 U" |
there was a family had a dog and floppy was his name.OH!
# o4 K; S. ^% J4 H7 G' E8 k' i# Q*-l-o-p-p-y
; E% {0 V* _" \! u4 f*-l-o-p-p-y
6 z: `3 C. X/ Y% i. x5 `- N' b& R*-l-o-p-p-y5 H7 L# k% k  L9 _* Z* v) H. [
and floppy was his name.OH!
5 E$ Y5 `: [  C9 {" q- ^  c( Sthere was a family had a dog and floppy was his name.OH!
: k2 @2 k3 }' y*-*-o-p-p-y1 N3 D& m& y2 _7 M# h
*-*-o-p-p-y( B2 d+ x8 w3 E" }  V8 [
9 o) I1 j8 i8 d! U1 K0 mand floppy was his name.OH!
) i& n( p3 Y) a8 @. Q0 |) zthere was a family had a dog and floppy was his name.OH!% e- C0 N, {8 J8 v" Y( V2 r
*-*-*-p-p-y) I& ~& v# A- a
* Q9 A$ w4 B/ h9 x2 R8 m. P. h  A  d*-*-*-p-p-y/ d  q/ t/ `( p# N, _
and floppy was his name.OH!
2 N% S$ E8 N% E% G' @6 V; i& `+ R
金苗阅读  评论于  2015-12-11 11:07:03
cryi2006  评论于  2015-12-15 00:28:28
牛津阅读树ort交流分享 《牛津阅读树》是一套针对以英语为母语的学龄前及小学孩子培养阅读兴趣的寓教于乐的阅读教材,由牛津大学出版。在英国是家喻户晓的英语母语学习材料,在全球亦有一百多个国家用它作为外语学习教材。牛津阅读树群328023353 群主: 小番薯

