发表于: 2022-3-18 17:44:22
英语分级读物RAZ(C级) How Many Wheels? 多少个轮子? 中文翻译7 S2 g+ V+ J5 t( ^

$ M  B. V3 v# K+ ]9 mMany things have wheels.' U, q% S6 N: h7 @& R

1 ?: d) A" l& y) B- i: D* gWheels help things move.
" i1 u( ^- T7 V& j
& f- a" Y2 |9 @+ t0 T很多东西都有轮子。
( Y5 [$ }* d) b6 [5 @, L6 d/ C- E0 k# N9 O$ g1 D7 f
轮子帮助物体移动。) t* Z3 w' l1 x
3 \5 e3 b: t9 o( l# }; A7 \+ C8 i
Some things have one wheel.7 x& Q" S# r) T* m2 ]0 x

6 b/ q( v) Y6 H$ C3 s$ O有些物体有一个轮子。3 d6 g- J6 f; h9 I2 Y

9 i2 ~" R, u$ d. |, qSome things have two wheels.! Q2 B7 y& z$ J  E; N: A) m9 b4 \

2 P: \0 f! E7 f: i( A! X0 c7 z' z( n" R
1 g: t" _7 C/ O" r1 N0 D) ^Reading a-z(raz)系列AA-V分册
$ p8 c% n* o+ ^- J( sRAZ系列:SAZ科学GK-G6阶0 O6 ?) F' M6 g/ |
RAZ 合集点读版(GK-G1-G2-G3)
/ ?& J4 y9 s$ ERAZ自然拼读系列:raz Decodable Books 64本 phonics
8 z7 ^" i4 K4 W3 N1 k% D
7 l" ?8 E' n8 U+ k0 T
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