发表于: 2021-11-15 17:32:24

《 Stanley》


by  Syd Hoff悉德·霍夫

! ~" x* r7 E) n$ `: `+ S  ^" n0 n, q; |


$ h8 M3 ]! m% j% A5 S- T! {
+ G$ ~8 z* e8 U

A long time ago

there were no houses and people lived in caves.



$ D& M. H) ]" f
4 l6 E% g$ s# W3 D! j2 ?

Stanley lived in a cave, but he did not like it.


The cave was cold. So Stanley was cold.

山洞冷的时候,斯坦利就很冷 。

7 A+ a5 D8 d4 k$ Z8 A

+ Z& N4 P+ F* V. q9 Q

His head hurt because

he had to sleep with it on arock.


% B5 _, n1 P) j

Bats flew around as though they owned the place.


* Y: ]9 i8 ^* K9 k  E% ^& B% ^4 [  b% A5 s# i# C0 u% F9 S4 t8 d

“Why can't we find a better way

to live?” asked Stanley.


: L+ u) h& m# D- K

“This is good enough for us,”

Said the other cavemen.  

"Why isn't it good enough for you?"

“对我们来说,这里已经足够好了” 一个山洞人说。


6 }1 D! o; N& g! ?

6 ]- b% q- b2 K" [( H

The cavemen carried clubs .

They were very tough.



9 B# D7 o; v3 e8 [* d0 m: U

Stanley was tough ,too.


- U- Z9 ?. I* ~$ A3 x

) Y( y; b3 L+ G4 B) e, R

But he liked to plant seeds

in the ground and watch them grow.


  W& m6 _, L- Z5 q) p

He liked to paint pictures.


! @, {) f/ {; L+ q
; C0 Z$ ~; }" p& |( [: M6 v  E

He liked to te nice to people.


* o1 m7 c9 P7 R) b1 H# t

He was kind to animals.


+ |6 t& g6 [2 f8 @
7 {! e) Y9 A4 e  c; S1 d

The other cavemen did not  

want Stanley to act this way.

"Can t you act more like a caveman ?"they asked.



2 W9 V  ^' T$ f

Stanley did not anwer.  

He went on planting seeds and painting pictures.



9 P& P* L4 w7 K+ x" o, Y; A5 D# Z3 P; ~: H

He went on being kind to

animals and nice to people.


2 h, r3 B4 `5 n/ V) Z

He even started saying things like “please,

”and “thank you,”and “lovely day today, isn t it?”



. [5 a' u5 m* a$ l2 x
" R, ~4 Y  z  M, \5 _8 y9 n

This made the other cavemen very angry.

“You can t live here ,”they said.

“Beat it!”




9 w- F& F  ~9 C4 j/ T! L

They threw rocks at Stanley and chased him away .

它们向斯坦利扔石头,把他赶跑了 。

( z+ ~9 ~# O0 T2 `4 A& q
- A7 y- E3 ?8 r7 t2 P# r" a

"We're sorry you lost your cave," said the animals.7 e* q* c' @/ C* C5 e/ z( a' N
"I don't care," said Stanley."

It was cold anyway."




. s0 o! w& Z# @; f2 P# n! S0 m

He looked for a place to live.
% j9 Q2 W& F' R9 {! S"You can't live in
a nest," said the birds.



' g) B! g( {  b7 z5 n. I" M6 p2 o8 d- N! X& j% t* S/ A% b

“you can t live in the water ," said the fish.

“你不能住在水里”鱼说 。

( j+ @- E% ~8 w) T3 c

“you can t live in the ground ," said a worm.

“你不能生活在地下”蚯蚓说 。

+ @( ]1 F6 K) d' m1 i* i7 v
: d3 g- t( j( b9 ?; M% G5 ^

“Maybe I can live in a tree,” said stanley .


# Z; U4 w8 P5 _5 Q/ @4 \. n

“Not while I m up here,” said an ape .


! D0 Z5 `0 T" B# }$ w9 h; F8 F& t
# ~6 v0 |, F$ P1 q4 F

“Maybe I can live in space,” said Stanley.

He jumped off a rock.



6 [/ K0 s# J/ @

“Ouch!”said Stanley.  

“I can t live in space!”



" \* ^  d) l) K

, s& C1 i" W6 r9 Q, F

Stanley saw a field.

“Does any body mind if I live here?” he asked.   



1 s' H7 y  ?: i! ^& R3 e

"I don't mind if you don't snore." said an animal.

Who was going to sleep.



, P- {! Y+ r  b- n9 |
5 }: Q9 b7 G' e

"I don't mind if you don't eat too much grass,"

said an animal who was eating .



+ J, d. R) w4 I  j1 h

“I  don't mind if you don t take up too much room,”

said a very, very big animal.


一只体型很大的动物说。3 j) E$ \# ~% `) h" [5 R$ R% }. u

+ A+ g3 u5 ]' x& N5 R+ X$ I9 c& t% F6 w) D1 O7 s% y" ~

Stanley made himself at home.

“This is not bad,”he said.


“这儿没有床”他说 。

% h5 {# V# S6 z+ C

But suddenly the wind blew and Stanley was cold.

The rain fell and he was wet.



( X: O4 [' ]3 W  M; T1 W' \$ e" h2 Z! H

"This is worse than the cave,"said Stanley.

He made walls to keep out the wind.



. `3 }2 z. C$ ~

He made a roof to keep out the rain.


2 j& u7 D5 J; M4 g+ ?+ ^* m: E
. `! k/ h0 Q4 o3 I; L1 B3 o1 Q7 a

He made a door, windows and chimney.

He made a house !



" @* O& C% A' V& h

“That's the first house I ever saw,”

said a field mouse.


9 |* n  P$ M3 H8 ~. u( `. _8 B9 }, ]* A, R

“It's  the first one Iever made,” said Stanley.   

“Won't you stay here and live with me ?”



( h, ]3 i; O& S9 P; f

"I can't. I belong in the field.

But I will come and visit you

from time to time," said the field mouse.



  B% _* t/ e  W

$ H# h7 ~' R4 {/ c

Stanley painted pictures.


8 p) Z) b& C5 j* X6 a3 H) z9 j) a

He planted seeds in the ground

and watched them grow.


* e! h+ y% r6 L6 D+ C
; [5 {# ~2 r- c& v7 P& H

He loved his house .But he was lonesome.

“I wonder how my friends are,” he said.



- M) h* ^" g. C( O7 _# s

The cavemen were out hunting for animals .

They carried their clubs.



$ y- `+ T- v+ r, s+ p' e/ {  t0 f: [& e

“Look who's after us with their silly clubs ,”

said the animals.

“Let s chase them out of here.”



' n* R2 H- M& ?# o

They chased the cavemen .

Stanley saw the cavemen running.



/ a5 w! ]* O6 `, A7 M1 u, v- y0 R& K) ?* j8 Y

“Don t be afraid,” he said .

“I won't let them hurt you.”


( E* o1 d2 E2 N( o6 J

He made the animals go away.

他让动物们离开了 。

$ V$ s5 B0 ^, Y  J* y! W9 d
9 I. ], E# y9 B. K$ k: S; L

“You saved us , Stanley,” said the cavemen .

“Thank you.”

He loved his house .But he was lonesome.

“I wonder how my friends are,” he said.



6 A6 s  p& D( Q; ]) L

The cavemen were out hunting for animals .

They carried their clubs.



. f& E' k/ r- x# `8 t( h$ B. s

0 D2 C. _8 Y$ E9 |$ H8 n3 s: N

“Look who's after us with their silly clubs ,”

said the animals.

“Let s chase them out of here.”



$ N# E  O8 u0 R2 n$ c7 ?: `

They chased the cavemen .

Stanley saw the cavemen running.



: r0 r  t. S7 ~5 d

# x" l, N2 j0 S* c! _% ~

“Don t be afraid,” he said .

“I won't let them hurt you.”


6 M3 \5 d9 k  k( M+ `

He made the animals go away.

他让动物们离开了 。

1 t% J  c$ @/ @, M! U
% E" S. d8 p, Y

“You saved us , Stanley,” said the cavemen .

“Thank you.”



+ ~3 s* `( n0 U

Come back and live in our cave,” said one caveman.


9 i6 T& d/ a9 e9 R% I
3 x7 i- Y! B2 P- Q3 f! ^

“Caves are old-fashioned,”said Stanley.

“Come and see where I live.”


: Y1 [4 `: ~& w: k$ B  F1 u% ~

He showed them his house.


0 |! i; L8 N& {' B
6 b! |8 Y2 U2 u7 \0 l) V) |1 Y

“A cave is for bears.

A house is for people,” said Stanley.  



3 P& E0 N, F" s

“You are right ,Stanley,” said the cavemen.  

“This is the way we want to live.”  



2 T- E0 k6 V5 S  b( L
0 m' i5 F* W) ^

They all made houses.

他们都在建造自己的房子。( X* z- {- G# k" n4 H9 ?! v

1 L/ o" C4 o7 G* u. |

Stanley showed them how to

paint pictures and plant seeds.

斯坦利给他们展示怎么样画画和种植物种子 。

6 D1 x. F/ J6 i- y
# Z7 {' _$ w5 A% v: W1 M4 U

He showed them how to be nice

to each other and kind to animals ,

and everybody was happy.



! }& y. L4 Q  T6 u必学词汇
) T% o, @* P4 h2 {
  • A long time ago    很久以前; 悠远

  • caves     洞穴( cave的名词复数 )

  • flew     飞行; 飞( fly的过去式 )

  • as though     好像, 仿佛; 浑似

  • cavemen      史前石器时代的穴居人( caveman的名词复数 );

  • clubs      棍棒,狼牙棒(club的名词复数)

  • plant seeds    播种

  • paint pictures    画画

  • go on   继续

  • chased     追捕(chase的过去式与过去分词形式)

  • looked for    寻找,渴望

  • live in     住在学习[工作]的地方; 住在; 存在于…; 为…而生存

  • a nest    一窝

  • ape      猿猴

  • snore    打呼,打鼾

  • take up    占据

  • blew     吹,刮; 吹响; 吹气( blow的过去式 ); 刮风

  • worse than     坏于…

  • roof     屋顶

  • chimney     烟囱; 壁炉

  • live with    与…一起生活

  • belong in    属于

  • from time to time     不时,偶尔,间或; 时而

  • lonesome     寂寞

  • hunting for   狩猎,打猎

  • be afraid     恐怕,害怕2 H# s  {0 d3 O5 S; D2 U# J) z

  • go away      离开; 消失

  • Come back     回来

  • old-fashioned    过时的

  • how to     如何做,操作方式

    2 D5 K* b6 ]: G2 @- w

6 t& [3 X4 o5 x
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