发表于: 2021-11-5 23:53:35

汪培珽系列I CAN READ第1阶段13册书目                                                           

' ]6 K, z6 f/ y- ?, ?/ z

1、Danny and the dinosaur
* [+ V8 W9 F" ~- s$ A$ q" w

2、《Happy birthday, Danny and the dinosaur》
2 K9 q8 ^' @: Y2 t) f3、Danny and the dinosaur go to camp$ b* z! m) a' @
4、Captain cat
" P: v6 e: ]5 R' f& y$ c5、Who will be my friends  }: b5 _0 ?7 g6 x+ ^. G& I
6、Grizzwold4 x+ }! D; Q3 f
7、Stanley* M, }; c, E2 V9 F- F
8 v- n7 d4 ~% E2 I& {9、Mrs.Brice's Mice
& J( `0 S8 O$ E( Y10、Mine's the best( @7 ]1 ^1 P' a% l$ ^- x
7 |- @" G& E: q  C3 P- D7 D12、Sammy the seal9 T% e' j+ M" ^8 }& r4 F* ^


" M( {  ^7 q1 C

引用汪培珽的话:& {( A" x2 V1 C9 T) j

# u, m& ?* M  @. y% t0 F8 d5 z


1 h: L4 V  M0 C2 g; v


3 q  g4 y5 A) q: h+ c* L+ Y' ?; P


Mrs. Brice's Mice布莱斯夫人的老鼠
9 l$ U4 o( }! Q2 L. r. K; R2 L0 \


Mrs. Brice's Mice

汪培珽第1阶段双语解读:Mrs. Brice's Mice布莱斯夫人的老鼠

作者:Syd Hoff


/ p* i/ c4 I9 j& y4 ]+ x6 R

从封面我们可以看到一个女人(Mrs. Brice)手里抱着一群老鼠,她的椅子上还站在一只小老鼠。

) ~8 z& p1 T; s& w

大部分人都惧怕老鼠,为什么Mrs. Brice却如此神态自怡地和一群老鼠处在一起呢?带着我们的好奇心,来瞧一瞧这个荒诞、反常的故事吧!

内容:- C+ g4 b" \( Y! g7 l

汪培珽第1阶段双语解读:Mrs. Brice's Mice布莱斯夫人的老鼠

Mrs. Brice had twenty-five mice.


2 L2 G7 K  U( I

汪培珽第1阶段双语解读:Mrs. Brice's Mice布莱斯夫人的老鼠

She fed her mice the finest cheese.


She washed and dried them behind their ears, so they were always clean.


3 t1 j, s# {2 @/ G

汪培珽第1阶段双语解读:Mrs. Brice's Mice布莱斯夫人的老鼠

Mrs. Brice loved to sing for them. When she played the piano, twenty-four little mice danced around her.


One very small mouse danced on top of her hand. He was afraid to fall between the keys.


. l9 j# N7 u) [% Q# n+ M8 z! v

When Mrs. Brice went to bed, twelve little mice slept on one side of her. Twelve little mice slept on the other side. One very small mouse slept on the clock, in case he wanted to know what time it was.


( r4 ?  H. a/ J" b; |* l& s' A

汪培珽第1阶段双语解读:Mrs. Brice's Mice布莱斯夫人的老鼠

In the morning, Mrs. Brice did exercises.


She stretched her arms and legs. She bent over and touched her toes with her fingers.


“One, two, three, four, five, six...... One, two, three, four, five, six......”


. s  \* U: f) |  n# }& J

汪培珽第1阶段双语解读:Mrs. Brice's Mice布莱斯夫人的老鼠

Twenty-four little mice did exercises too. They stretched, they bent,


they touched their toes. One very small mouse kept on sleeping.


1 s$ R8 i/ R7 q. }3 g& v

汪培珽第1阶段双语解读:Mrs. Brice's Mice布莱斯夫人的老鼠

“It is time for our work.” said Mrs. Brice. Twelve little mice walked in front of her. Twelve little mice walked in back. One very small mouse sat on top of Mrs. Brice′s hat, so he could see where they were going.


He saw a cat.


) P5 i: k# P8 ~& O7 m

汪培珽第1阶段双语解读:Mrs. Brice's Mice布莱斯夫人的老鼠

Twelve little mice ran this way.

Twelve little mice ran that way.



One very small mouse jumped down to the ground and ran this way and that.


. e& V$ T8 l4 C7 F& x5 q

汪培珽第1阶段双语解读:Mrs. Brice's Mice布莱斯夫人的老鼠

He ran so many different ways, the cat got tired of chasing him and went back to whatever he had been doing.


“What a clever little mouse you are.”said Mrs. Brice. “Now we can go to buy some food.”


  c0 D  G% P% I9 s. Q

汪培珽第1阶段双语解读:Mrs. Brice's Mice布莱斯夫人的老鼠

Twenty-four little mice sat in a cart and enjoyed the ride.


One very small mouse sat in front.


They went up one aisle.


; N2 L( G+ d1 C

汪培珽第1阶段双语解读:Mrs. Brice's Mice布莱斯夫人的老鼠

They went down another.


Mrs. Brice bought food in cans, food in jars, cold food, hot food.


. ]: ?% Q0 Z/ r4 T# J0 o

汪培珽第1阶段双语解读:Mrs. Brice's Mice布莱斯夫人的老鼠

“Now we can go home.” said Mrs. Brice. Twenty-four little mice were glad. But one very small mouse kept on leading the way. He led them to the dairy counter.

“我们现在可以回家了。”布莱斯夫人说。24只小老鼠很高兴。但那只很小的老鼠继续在领路。他带领他们去到乳品店柜台。3 v; ]! `6 @1 K

7 ~& [' n' R2 O

汪培珽第1阶段双语解读:Mrs. Brice's Mice布莱斯夫人的老鼠

Mrs. Brice bought a nice, big cheese.


Then she and her mice went home to eat it.


! e3 Z: x: w* n3 H

汪培珽第1阶段双语解读:Mrs. Brice's Mice布莱斯夫人的老鼠

After they ate, Mrs. Brice sang and played the piano.


Twenty-four mice danced around her.


! i3 ]" F1 r, h. M, R

汪培珽第1阶段双语解读:Mrs. Brice's Mice布莱斯夫人的老鼠

) N' [: }& B. j& I# n- @. |# W  x

汪培珽第1阶段双语解读:Mrs. Brice's Mice布莱斯夫人的老鼠

One very small mouse kept right on eating.



/ _3 z$ U0 c" Y5 d


mice [maɪs] n.老鼠(复数)

stretched [stretʃt] v.拉伸(过去式)

bent [bent] v.弯曲

aisle [aɪl] n.过道

jars [dʒɑːz] n.罐子

dairy [ˈdeəri] n.乳品店

counter [ˈkaʊntə(r)] n.柜台

更多:汪培珽系列I CAN READ第1阶段12册双语解读合辑
1 e  ?% g3 d1 M" r(附上汪培珽1-5阶段音频)
% W' Q8 h, s+ d$ n# Z: `
" e1 N8 i; d9 t! l  q- i3 V) D2 p2 m- d- O9 u7 z


3 H" ?/ b8 n8 o' b3 `2 W/ [" W
% {6 k$ @3 h3 [* J) _7 k. E

+ h! O2 ^* P2 Y4 l8 f, J. q


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