发表于: 2020-5-28 16:59:18

精彩绘本:Nilson,这不合适的!No Fits, Nilson 在线阅读

Nilson and Amelia do everything together.
" N" R  U4 Z2 eNilson和Amelia每天都形影不离。4 F3 K1 f& R# [& ]2 w! f
Except for baths.
/ Y; p/ A5 X2 F* S: _# Q除了洗澡的时候。0 L' O; P. ^5 N/ K1 v8 A3 B8 w7 V  M
Because Nilson is afraid of water.7 s. T8 K$ K! n1 l9 H; x
* n3 B) M- i- G3 `" I0 _& aIt's all fun and games,but sometimes all it takes is a tiny bump.....# o# G0 d' k! p7 z; b
他们一起玩游戏玩得很开心,但是有时候,还是会出现一点小碰撞。+ Y# t& \. U  O' R) a: ]
and Nilson throws the biggest. most house shaking-est fit ever!
1 d- ^* t" x+ mAmelia不小心碰撞了Nilson的小积木,Nilson很生气,于是就吼出最大的嚎叫,连屋子都在摇动了。: C; M! @4 O* `: a
So big,they BOTH get a time-out.
+ D  p  y) |6 O% ^7 \- Y1 R( U) N如此大声,他们2个都进入冷战时期。% j+ D" l% p$ o+ g1 v: t- P
Sometime Amelia tires to help Nilson when he starts to get upset.- u0 o  I# s' W/ Y0 l8 O; x, |9 O
' j, t8 x* D! H. M* {5 N" h"No fits,Nilson!" she’ll say
$ e+ Q4 z$ l) i5 z! e“Nilson,不可以这样的。”她会说。' i: R( N; e2 _' t& `
"We're having banana pancakes for breakfast!”
) D  n! F8 ^  @. M“让我们吃香蕉煎饼做早餐了!”
% X# H) y7 c6 r1 wBanana pancakes make Nilson forget all about his fit.; G  D) K' a3 T) H: t/ C! ]
2 C  u, v# A5 J: v9 }8 aAfter breakfast,It's time to help Amelia’s mom.1 ]$ J2 W3 W0 o4 I5 I" q( n
# |/ V9 _& g! e+ `' f4 N/ G4 QBut Nilson wants to stay home.# i1 I' v3 F; Q6 [4 A7 B  o
+ R1 r. U; m! Y+ D, L"No fits, Nilson! Amelia says,$ _* D( \, W9 B! O+ H5 ^/ o7 t- A
“不可以这样的”Amelia说。0 G4 M% Z3 G% q
"This is an ADVENTURE, not errands!"6 l9 d) j3 V0 V& _
# G! B& e  ?$ mNilson is perfectly behaved at the grocery store.2 z3 s4 l8 ~4 u3 B* F* {3 Y. M
( X, I. I8 F* u( J
2 g1 J0 U, C; W2 m  Y8 u

精彩绘本:Nilson,这不合适的!No Fits, Nilson 在线阅读

But he is ready to burst while they're waiting in line at the post office.
; v1 F/ X% `9 u" @当他们在邮局排队等候的时候他却准备要发脾气。
; ~) V6 z1 P4 ?$ a" No, fits, Nilson,“whispers Amerlia as she hands him her favorite froggy coin purse.* L, B: ~7 p2 u2 g5 L) S% ~# C
$ M5 T$ r( n0 mHe's patient waiting for the train and even holds the door.; `' D9 D- A7 k& z9 _8 I
他会耐心等候列车的到来甚至握住门先让妈妈和Amerlia先上车。' i. s1 q' E1 e
But on the train someone else has a banana,Uh-oh!* D$ V: w9 e! ]" A, j
但是在列车上,Nilson看见有人拿着个香蕉。噢喔!. T8 {  p' e: Y- @* b; |
Nilson really wants a banana, too!
) Y& E" r, p6 e* m8 @0 aNilson也想要个香蕉。( s4 r  f: k9 r3 E
"No fits, Nilson!"hushes  Amelias's mom., _, D8 q- b/ q( A+ ^. F& {! e
“不可以这样的,Nilson”Amelias的妈妈嘘嘘地说。" B7 J- b/ A; U
"If you both sit quietly,we'll get banana ice cream on the way home."* ~2 l( p. g+ m! j( C
“如果你们两个都安静的坐着,我们可以在回家的路上买个香蕉冰淇淋给你们的。3 I( V# B+ h9 A. o% y
Amelia covers Nilson's mouth and stares him down with a gorilla eye lock,7 X4 `6 s; }1 m, O
8 ~: n6 |" Y6 z% o" arepeating the words banana ice cream over and over.
' {; n$ H' o. `嘴里碎碎念着香蕉冰淇淋,香蕉冰淇淋9 d, t; N1 ?0 z
At last! Their stop!At the ice-cream truck Nilson places his order.
. u% u2 q- k% `3 l3 m最后,他们在冰淇淋车停下了。Nilson点了他喜欢的香蕉冰淇淋。# T# n. q# ~( ]8 h/ R
"Here you go, last scoop of banana, folks!"6 z3 j- }- k3 l
“给你,最后一勺的香蕉味冰淇淋了,叉子!”  e3 u, d% F. {2 }2 O0 j
sings Albert the ice-cream man.
1 S" L8 H' V8 b0 ^* Y1 G买冰淇淋的Albert叔叔说。
! v, q' i- C& R/ M7 n) @5 mAmerlia can't believe it.
1 I5 j/ u. i' V) q# ~& I  @Amerlia难以相信香蕉冰淇淋买完的这个事实。
$ y# y$ B5 d" W5 X+ n0 D: cShe stomps .# z. H8 Y0 Z' o
她跺脚,( [" y5 Z  Q! d( |
She growls,she roars.
% T/ ^- ?0 {, k7 `1 p& y她咆哮,她狂叫。
- q$ C/ e: O% L"I WANT A BANANA ICE CREAM!"8 W. ^: E2 U/ R
. ?& \, r: p* {! T  S) ^- a' t7 ]That's when Nilson hands her his ice cream./ r, P6 W! Q' B2 i  ?* W9 Z0 `
就在这个时候,Nilson伸手将的香蕉冰淇淋到Amelia面前。$ U( W& u) O- G$ M2 _$ O: ]% b
"No fits, Amelia!" he says.
  _, y# _  @' S! [3 i) B8 D1 Q( o, `/ c& P“不可以这样的,Amelia!"他说。
( s8 ^* {+ h0 B% l1 A- S"I'll get chocolate instead."
  [' K2 O. A% s5 t8 S0 }"我会要个巧克力冰淇淋代替的。”
% n; V# k: F3 T$ E0 M5 j! h7 t7 m"Thank you",Amelia peeps.1 `& B) E4 z' `7 Q
“谢谢你,”Amelia不好意思地说。: [# A  b; a8 o$ c
They both share cones, and guess what?
3 ~5 v# h/ L. T他们一起分享着吃,你们猜猜是什么?
! e% o( {; ~5 Q" ]; RThey have a new favorite flavor!, `7 s# a( H5 k. P, x; g, ]( x
他们有一种新的最爱口味!+ ]* v) E. b8 E1 {
( a% {3 e6 [1 i9 d是巧克力-香蕉-扭纹冰淇淋。
9 e* V, s& M3 T1 k6 ^' WThat night Amelia gives Nilson an extra hug.. g) `, t) h- M) ~$ W) p' x
那天晚上,Amelia给了Nilson一个大大的拥抱。' Z/ V$ v0 A9 Z# B4 C5 V0 Q) J( g# }# q
"I love you,No fits Nilson!" she whispers.! _& f* B& a# \
1 U1 d) p# m4 t8 V; P- Y% }. T/ d$ G6 y6 M  a
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