发表于: 2020-1-15 15:02:07


本内容精选的各种入门学习书籍(包括中英文类)以及国外比较优秀的儿童原版类学习读物,涉及类型比较广。每本书均为精品中的精品,大家可以放心下载学习和阅读. K" C' `; Y5 w3 {
Chapter 1: The Sad House' S0 Z1 Z5 n/ C" i4 S# o
Chapter 2: A Lack of Greys; g/ L0 a/ j+ [2 J
Chapter 3: The C.L.C.
/ `3 z7 Z7 L/ OChapter 4: The Orphanage
# ]: [: D1 ^- y& m- |Chapter 5: Philanthropy9 a7 I1 V( J! Q) e7 y
Chapter 6: The Switch
0 R# J9 j1 j5 j; c# w7 U, eChapter 7: The Home of the Dregs
  m4 k) R% f- fChapter 8: The Truth about Bullies
9 I$ S. o: f5 x( ?$ H1 A2 TChapter 9: Teaspoons and Treachery
# v% r; [, k0 WChapter 10: The Dreggish Pet
' V& s  ~$ }2 x* bChapter 11: Nothing Worse Than a Thief
/ v3 ?4 V) {' M1 v2 r$ g, L- ]
. V- n+ `; f: a5 [5 N( d6 uPART TWO: THE MOTHS:  W: E" W1 D, p8 N1 @$ Q
Chapter 12: The Dreg Who Didn’t Exist& i0 V+ E( \9 @4 ~4 F
Chapter 13: Serendipity
) i3 R- p+ p" O  ^% AChapter 14: The Thorny Brush  t% U& c9 E( r5 W1 H1 i
Chapter 15: The Moth Tree
# a+ H6 h8 D5 o8 g- P0 x5 aChapter 16: The Truth about Moths; |6 u. j( N+ b, Q7 m
Chapter 17: Sanctuary
$ n/ q5 @5 X, S) RChapter 18: A Run of Bad Luck
( k+ ?. ~9 [. y( e" D5 s6 rChapter 19: The Nimblers( p8 Q6 i$ P9 X0 L# H0 P& u9 n% x% ^
Chapter 20: The Pettish Dreg2 x/ Z. ~# e# T# k- ~5 e
Chapter 21: A Touch of Gray
6 a/ Y# I1 J' I; }! a: Q2 G
. ~+ o. T' I) h7 p' L6 n4 J


4 l+ B( P2 h8 Y: ?* nPART THREE: THE DREAMS:$ z, O& h0 D/ \+ v1 e6 D
Chapter 22: Fury Foiled% K  E# r& Q- U( z- ]
Chapter 23: Troubles Great and Troubles Small9 _1 M! r/ x' X! M4 v
Chapter 24: A Very Important Visit
8 C$ |& J: Y6 T8 I- ZChapter 25: Two Orphans
% W0 j2 j: w! S, B. n( mChapter 26: The Derangement of Toby Bobbins
% y  L" c; |4 c4 R  C3 B8 [Chapter 27: The Waking of the Moths, l9 _8 k, _. U1 Z5 @$ U7 a# @
Chapter 28: The Rallying of the Dregs9 \$ s, L, Q$ d. Z( w
Chapter 29: Pets, Petrified
$ `, R! o/ @& xChapter 30: The Greatest Game7 K3 {0 c/ m8 {5 ~
Chapter 31: The Unmasking" F* J0 R9 W2 F# Y0 h, ?3 m+ t; L
Chapter 32: On Endings
- @0 {* t) O7 _. mAbout the Authors  
& ?% N" u* R; R% S9 L. o5 e3 Z7 P
6 d- z' q0 X2 S4 I链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/11vFek_SkhRa6pqQbrratNQ
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: _) g% ]" |! ?$ @- d

4 o3 n# O9 a8 _% X$ s7 D. G
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