发表于: 2020-1-11 14:39:02

多伦王国的秘密Secrets of Droon series - Tony Abbott电子书 mobi+epub

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多伦王国的秘密Secrets of Droon series - Tony Abbott电子书 mobi+epub

, N8 `1 [. ~( ?8 c( Y9 Q' P美国顶级畅销儿童魔幻小说 全球销量突破12,000,000册!被美国书商协会评选为等待下一本《哈利波特》出现之前的十大好书之一正邪巫师、仙女精灵,宏伟壮丽的魔法世界、惊心动魄的魔法历险,多伦王国的秘密不止这些!10年打造,40多个单册,8国出版,红遍法、波兰、西班牙、荷兰、捷克、 土耳其、日、韩各国!2 G7 ?4 a' T) G: N( h

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多伦王国的秘密Secrets of Droon series - Tony Abbott电子书 mobi+epub

/ c7 K( @( v' H7 E01 The Hidden Stairs and the Magic Carpet(Scholastic/June 1999)
" o8 l+ z' `2 s& t) {' D02 Journey to the Volcano Palace (Scholastic/June1999)
5 }% r& Z" [8 K# w5 L' |03 The Mysterious Island (Scholastic/August 1999)) H0 z% M% \" S$ O
04 City of the Clouds (Scholastic/October 1999)
9 G2 R  I6 c; F) S05 The Great Ice Battle (Scholastic/December 1999)
4 X. r5 `# j6 K9 M7 Y06 The Sleeping Giant of Goll (Scholastic/February2000)
( ]% C8 ]! i( N: o/ W; Z& J07 Into the Land of the Lost(Scholastic/April2000); s/ u+ R/ w1 e- S& s3 N
08 The Golden Wasp (Scholastic/June 2000)
) Q& R" l; T5 h( t; k9 @09 The Tower of the Elf King (Scholastic/August 2000)
6 |7 h+ J/ l9 `. Q; P& u- b2 Y10 Quest For the Queen (Scholastic/November 2000)
) V+ }4 L7 i! _! y/ I% T: J6 L11 The Hawk Bandits of Tarkoom(Scholastic/February 2001)! c! n* I; [" [7 F
12 Under the Serpent Sea (Scholastic/May 2001)
6 X: ?9 C  a5 z% v# D: M13 The Mask of Maliban (Scholastic/October 2001)
5 x/ _+ z; T9 ]  d; k14 Voyage of the Jaffa Wind (Scholastic/February2002)8 {4 u$ z1 U! z4 H, D: X: M1 f
15 The Moon Scroll (Scholastic/May 2002), o8 g3 I7 C# {, A% J" u
16 The Knights of Silversnow (Scholastic/August2002)
( h: n* z( O& s2 b- s4 n4 \1 t17 Dream Thief (Scholastic/February 2003)
! j$ q2 R; B$ ^$ A( q* {, E3 h18 Search for the Dragon Ship (Scholastic/May2003)
# a5 n  g7 @0 o( `6 @19 The Coiled Viper (Scholastic/July 2003)
% s7 N7 h' w3 w& \20 In the Ice Caves of Krog (Scholastic/October2003)/ T* f9 h) @$ X( V& J' i4 s+ ~
21 Flight of the Genie (Scholastic/January 2004)) O2 C# C4 s1 i' x6 m* g
22 The Isle of Mists (Scholastic/July 2004)
& c9 D3 Z8 K$ o1 t6 r5 u% G23 The Fortress of the Treasure Queen(Scholastic/October 2004)
$ i. z3 k! W1 O; U24 The Race to Doobesh (Scholastic/January 2005); k+ _2 G0 J- t5 X6 Z% ]
25 The Riddle of Zorfendorf Castle(Scholastic/April 2005)
) I' n( A2 i$ H: W; v' a; n% e26 The Moon Dragon (Scholastic/January 2006)# c- I) @5 d5 q1 s6 a3 c3 `
27 The Chariot of Queen Zara (Scholastic/April2006), ^) p4 V& J3 J: W* ^  t, M& a
28 In The Shadow of Goll (Scholastic/July 2006)
$ q, l% W! u- _" n2 y$ [$ O- ~, G7 U29 Pirates of the Purple Dawn (Scholastic/February2007)
* ^7 R' H/ `# i0 E/ @30 Escape from Jabar-Loo (Scholastic/June 2007)7 S' h4 R) _8 S: G0 M; q
31 Queen of Shadowthorne (Scholastic/October 2007)& u% j- R5 F: G
32 The Treasure of the Orkins (Scholastic/June2008)( |9 d$ |1 L" h0 G2 m  J. s8 w! H
33 Flight of the Blue Serpent (Scholastic/October2008)! @! F+ v- x: _6 S
34 In the City of Dreams (Scholastic/February2009)
" Q" ]( M2 q! l& n) Z35 The Lost Empire of Koomba (Scholastic/October2009)
. a$ q, R9 K2 f8 @36 Knights of the Ruby Wand (Scholastic/February2010)
, M6 U# D( O' v
& a' ]8 @$ x5 R5 `8 l链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1uE30-jg2pJfgTr8oWm705Q
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