发表于: 2020-1-7 14:34:59

尼尔森小姐不见了 Miss Nelsonis Missing PDF音频

适合年龄6-9岁,适合年龄小学1-4年年级。出版社为HMH Books for Young Readers , Harry G. Allard Jr.和ames Marshall 合作出品的绘本。Miss Nelson is Missing(尼尔森小姐不见了)是一个有关一个老师如何改善自己班级课堂纪律的故事。作者是James Marshall,他还有一本书咱论坛里面也有:George And Martha(乔治与玛莎)。 两本书从语言难度来讲差不多,不过,Miss Nelson is Missing(尼尔森小姐不见了)中有些词汇虽然也是日常用词,但还是有一定难度的,因此在给孩子读这本书之前,可以先学习下生词。Miss Nelson (尼尔森小姐)是207班的老师。
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- a) n7 @  W0 i207班是全校纪律最差的班,而Miss Nelson (尼尔森小姐)又是个脾气好的老师,因此,孩子们就更不怕她了。他们把教室弄得一团糟:纸飞机到处飞,屋顶到处是痰和鼻涕;另外,课堂纪律更是差得不能再 差:上课孩子们肆无忌惮地讲话、咯咯笑;在椅子上扭来扭去、乱做鬼脸,甚至在story time也是如此;课后也不做作业。7 w/ N, f* q  j# g; o

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尼尔森小姐不见了 Miss Nelsonis Missing PDF音频

尼尔森小姐不见了 Miss Nelsonis Missing PDF音频

1 o; |) U/ I2 T2 N7 k! nThe three classic school stories. Accept no substitute.More than forty years ago Viola Swamp slinked into Room 207 at Horace B. Smedley School and whipped Miss Nelson's terrible, rude, worst-class-in-the-whole-school students into shape. In the intervening generations since the publication of Miss Nelson Is Missing!, millions of children have been fascinated by the legend of Miss Swamp. A diabolical creation from the minds of Harry G. Allard and James
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8 O* {; j2 `4 F9 K- Q3 S! l( MMarshall, Miss Nelson's alter ego illuminates the folly of misbehavior through amazing feats of disguise. And she's never been more hilarious than now!For the first time ever, Miss Nelson Is Missing!, Miss Nelson Is Back, and Miss Nelson Has a Field Day are available in one volume. This comical, collectable treasury of stories is a must-have for teachers and their mischievous students everywhere.1 a8 ^/ Y$ _$ H1 \

; m/ I7 R* @: o) A- m8 W链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gk_Qkujqv0JTnI0gXwWlGw
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英语桥梁书&章节书 桥梁书 是引用西方国家书目上的 Bridging Books 概念,台湾翻译为 "桥梁书", 是一种针对低中年级孩子,带领他们从图像阅读,顺利跨入文字阅读。桥梁书的文字比绘本多、插图为辅、内容贴近孩子生活,不论是有趣或奇幻的故事,皆能寓教于乐。 群主: 香喷喷的臭豆腐

