Miranda [博士生]
1845 0
发表于: 2017-12-12 13:47:20

Gabby Duran

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Gabby Duran

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Summary: Gabby Duran, babysitter extraordinaire and modern day Mary Poppins was on her way home from sitting for a famous action's star's rambunctious triplets when she was approached by a mysterious woman (Associate 4118-23432B) with her first mission. A babysitting job with a more lucrative rate than she'd ever received. What child could possibly be so difficult to handle? Gabby was soon trusted with the truth--aliens are living among humans on Earth. They are protected by the top-secret organization, the Association Linking Intergalactics and Earthlings as Neighbors (hereby known as A.L.I.E.N). Even extraterrestrials need a sitter now and then. No one was up for the task except Gabby.

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After accepting the top-secret position, Gabby is paired up with her first charge, a little alien girl named Wutt from the planet Flarknartia,who turns out to be much more than meets the eye. The timing for associate 4118-25125A is less than ideal. It's a school day on Planet Earth and Gabby's audition for the solo part in the band is tonight. Can Gabby Duran, Associate 4118-25125A, First Sitter to the Unsittables, keep her otherworldly charge safe in the unpredictable halls of middle-school and keep A.L.I.E.N hidden?

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有声书音频及电子书资 在电子产品盛产的年代,电子书和有声书因为能永久性保存携带又方便,所以当下的电子书很受欢迎。电子书和有声书也可以促进孩子阅读。所以就想着把电子书和有声书的资源整合起来,方便家长给孩子看。 群主: 小柒麦麦

