Miranda [博士生]
2871 0
发表于: 2017-11-24 15:28:36

Wing and Claw

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From Newbery Medal-winning author Linda Sue Park comes a captivating fantasy-adventure about a boy, a bat, and an amazing transformation.
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5 l3 c% u7 J& f! s/ [$ v: hRaffa Santana has always loved the mysterious Forest of Wonders. For a gifted young apothecary like him, every leaf could unleash a kind of magic. When an injured bat crashes into his life, Raffa invents a cure from a rare crimson vine that he finds deep in the forest. His remedy saves the animal but also transforms it into something much more than an ordinary bat, with far-reaching consequences. Raffa's experiments lead him away from home to the forbidding city of Gilden, where troubling discoveries make him question whether exciting botanical inventions - including his own - might actually threaten the very creatures of the forest he wants to protect.# X2 l( g9 C, P

/ L% B5 J3 a6 `The first book in an enchanting trilogy, Forest of Wonders richly explores the links between magic and botany, family and duty, environment and home.& {1 D% v) B; g+ k! ]9 h

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