发表于: 2020-3-26 15:41:42

原版桥梁书R.K.Narayan的9本原版书 R.K.Narayan E-Book Collection

A venerable tiger, old and toothless now, looks back over his life from cubhood and early days roaming wild in the Indian jungle. Trapped into a miserable circus career as 'Raja the magnificent', he is then sold into films (co-starring with a beefy Tarzan in a leopard skin) until, finding the human world too brutish and bewildering, he makes a dramatic bid for freedom. R.K. Narayan's story combines Hindu mysticism with ripe Malgudi comedy, viewing human absurdities through the eyes of a wild animal and revealing how, quite unexpectedly, Raja finds sweet companionship and peace.
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原版桥梁书R.K.Narayan的9本原版书 R.K.Narayan E-Book Collection

3 a- O- F! l4 Q9 l+ T; p
" _+ _2 x! n/ A, x: C+ bA Tiger for Malgudi - R. K. Narayan.epub3 G0 J! z/ Z2 Y% ]4 H
A Horse and Two Goats - R.K.Narayan.epub$ ?! k. N$ n6 ^) e. {% s
An Astrologers Day and Other Stories - R.K.Narayan.epub8 M0 t8 @! X% m& `; R
Bachelor of Arts - R. K. Narayan.epub
8 m. W1 \. i* \3 K0 Z& N1 J' NMan Eater of Malgudi - R.K.Narayan.epub
2 E& c: W' y4 D8 R' cMr Sampath-The Printer of Malgudi - R. K. Narayan.epub6 @) B" ]' o" J8 |2 ^1 T, {5 k+ g
My Days - R.K.Narayan.epub
; r* ]1 Z& Q; Q5 A+ pSwami and Friends - R.K.Narayan.epub3 h' Q) n" k7 p+ Q
The Ramayana - R. K. Narayan.epub
7 I$ Q. G! ]3 r
+ y* L( H2 k; Y/ u+ c链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ja5KbzcbOU1DIkS7OytxtQ
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' J6 V, ^" R" g+ {/ W& Y9 x% @# t; g* c9 s7 v$ |, b
英语桥梁书&章节书 桥梁书 是引用西方国家书目上的 Bridging Books 概念,台湾翻译为 "桥梁书", 是一种针对低中年级孩子,带领他们从图像阅读,顺利跨入文字阅读。桥梁书的文字比绘本多、插图为辅、内容贴近孩子生活,不论是有趣或奇幻的故事,皆能寓教于乐。 群主: 香喷喷的臭豆腐

