发表于: 2020-1-2 14:15:08

英文章节书:夺旗 Capture the Flag百度云下载

夺旗(英文简称:CTF,Capture The Flag)是一种欧美传统运动。此游戏进行方式是由两队人马互相前往对方的基地夺旗。每队人马必须把敌方的旗从敌方的基地带回自己队伍的基地。敌方的队员离开了自己的地区而到达另一方的地区可以被"点"到而出局。夺旗是源由古时军事战争而来的。在战场上﹐军旗是象征了两军的战况。当有一方的军旗已被敌军夺取,或者是军旗已已经落在地上的时候,都是代表了那一方的战败。双方的士兵都是以军旗的状况来判定战争的现况。在美国内战的时代﹐夺取敌军军旗或者是保卫自军军旗的士兵可以被颁发美国的最高军事荣衔荣誉勋章。
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英文章节书:夺旗 Capture the Flag百度云下载

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故事简介:1 V( x/ I; M& B7 a$ k
Three kids get caught up in an adventure of historic proportions!Anna, José, andHenry are complete strangers with more in common than they realize. Snowed intogether at a chaotic Washington D.C. airport, they encounter a mysterious tattooed man, a flamboyant politician, and a rambunctious poodle named for an ancient king. Even stranger, news stations everywhere have announced that the famous flag that inspired "The Star-Spangled Banner" has been stolen! Anna, certain that the culprits must be snowed in too, recruits Henry and José to help catch the thieves and bring them to justice.5 z2 ]8 z9 P* u- i

7 N6 Y! A2 L" \; H3 O6 f. DBut when accusations start flying, they soon realize there's more than justice at stake. As the snow starts clearing, Anna, José, and Henry find themselves in a race against time (and the weather!) to prevent the loss of an American treasure.
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