发表于: 2019-12-13 15:01:28


推荐一套非常好的一套科普启蒙读物,我们幼儿园的小朋友人手一套,内容简洁明了。学乐出版社大家都很熟悉,全球英语教材出版社十强之一,它出版的练习册和分级读物风靡全球。0 s' \3 t8 `# z6 X% t0 f5 T

- ]  o* ?2 p, A' ~Guided Science Reader是Scholastic出版社旗下一套经典的读物。跟《国家地理少儿版》比起来,这套书要低调很多。但是非常难能可贵的是,这是一套兼具系统英语启蒙和简单科普性质的读物。比较起两套读物,
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《国家地理少儿版》更适合大娃,而且侧重科普,语言编排则多了些随意性。Guided Science Reader Level A 有些内容蓝思指数才10L,特别适合1-3岁的娃进行亲子阅读。大一点还可以进行自主阅读。9 i1 }  t% Z% r) B9 P

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, L; l& L2 s, u& g  F! H目录24册
% _( U6 }  t2 R! b4 b. PLet's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:How do animals say beat the heat?Let's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:Penguins can't fly!Let's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:Fire safety pupps!Let's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:Leaves are always greenLet's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:Pop the bubbles!Let's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:Polar animals stick togetherLet's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:I see numbersLet's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:Feelings at schoolLet's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:Hello,baby caterpillar!Let's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:I see seeds!Let's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:Let's go to the grocery storeLet's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:Get ready for winter,chipmunk!Let's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:I see a frog!Let's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:Spring is just Bee-ginning!Let's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:My antumn nature walkLet's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:I put on my shoesLet's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:Whose habitat is that?Let's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:How do animals say I love you?Let's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:On my way to schoolLet's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:Mailing a holiday cardLet's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:Kids are different!Let's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:Crunch,crunch,apples for lunchLet's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:Where can you find friends?Let's Find Out: My Rebus Readers 2:Pumokin parts!
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