发表于: 2017-6-29 17:37:31

BBC出品童谣儿歌动画:School Radio Nursery songs and rhymes 27个高清视频下载

7 ^  C  D, I0 u$ VHere you'll find video animations of the best-known British nursery songs and rhymes, many sung by BBC Children's TV presenters, with music that young children will love! They're an ideal resource to support a range of Early Years skills, whether used in a nursery, at home..or anywhere!
+ v- j+ R1 [; r BBC出品童谣儿歌动画:School Radio Nursery songs and rhymes 27个高清视频下载 - Y0 Y& d9 ]: y0 ]3 ?; C
资源名称:【自采】BBC - School Radio - Nursery songs and rhymes - FLV 27个! s9 h  N. h# n+ m2 o( i9 i
适合年龄:Age 2+
% s, I* M6 c4 S2 _: g& H资源类型:
! [3 Z! [% ^! F0 U. j6 N" w# TFLV(VP6)/1500Kbps/896x504/24.39fps
, m& a! v, c; `$ g  `' yMP3/128Kbps/44.1KHz
. ?/ F7 p# h) H6 s0 n* a语言:英语/无字幕* n+ f+ l; B9 d) b( h* {
资源时间:27集; X4 X  t( l$ f- A3 a
( J. e' p: I% [6 Y6 H清晰度:WebRip% X8 U1 A- @" f* A% r! Q
位置:wangshitao186 Y( ]  Y9 n( O" k- W
BBC出品童谣儿歌动画:School Radio Nursery songs and rhymes 27个高清视频下载 % I, m; @: l8 [# L  w) q% t
BBC - School Radio - Nursery songs and rhymes
) U* p1 E, W9 D+ }; n+ Ihttp://www.bbc.co.uk/learning/schoolradio/subjects/earlylearning/nurserysongs
5 Z) l$ k3 u3 y5 N: @- _3 ^+ }, N9 i9 I* z- w
Here you'll find a collection of nursery songs from our Early Learning series Listen and Play and Playtime, both of which are available to download as podcasts.& U8 @- ?1 ^9 a& H( _) e$ O
! Q- q( F6 F/ ]$ J; R! p* p* z
They're an ideal resource to support a range of Early Years skills, whether used in a nursery environment or at home.
  D9 d4 `& R& b& _  M/ i, V$ L$ i! ~1 W1 p8 D; l
The most recent videos are: London Bridge is falling down, The grand old Duke of York, Hickory Dickory dock and It's raining, it's pouring.$ O' h6 _7 E! g3 S$ E: Z! \

2 c' p2 w2 ?% j8 H9 m BBC出品童谣儿歌动画:School Radio Nursery songs and rhymes 27个高清视频下载
4 m% x; x& e) _6 u1 b本次只收录了视频部分。
* v3 V/ l0 r$ q$ xBBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Once I caught a fish alive.flv
9 L  q3 E2 B2 p1 \1 c9 Z7 kBBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs A sailor went to sea, sea, sea.flv
" Q* N4 x" y6 P3 ?  {, ^; JBBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs Baa, baa, black sheep.flv
1 J4 f7 c* z/ d- ]0 i% k3 `BBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs Brush your teeth.flv6 H4 J- S# Z; W6 {/ d; @
BBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs Cobbler, cobbler mend my shoe.flv
: T" q* g% q* M9 v( R+ xBBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs Down at the station.flv
2 W$ V$ q1 t+ [* P4 C" {4 vBBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs Five currant buns.flv
) {: R- V$ q! j% ]5 e# w7 [: M. SBBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs Five little monkeys.flv
. ]5 o8 |. y2 }9 HBBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs Five little speckled frogs.flv
# G7 U# [4 Z3 H1 KBBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs Hickory Dickory dock.flv1 l# R, l) U% \
BBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs Horsie, horsie don't you stop.flv
: K- D! P9 T3 E" i( O7 b$ p+ ^: T6 a8 WBBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.flv: i7 v, W3 b+ A# P. u" X* J
BBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs I hear thunder.flv
, t( ^* N2 k& M$ T9 b# l- T, |! `BBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs I went to visit a farm one day.flv
2 d9 e$ _6 \0 }  g& e- T% tBBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs Incy wincy spider.flv3 o9 w' d  \. i( F7 n
BBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs It's raining, it's pouring.flv; U* T9 I' I* p  R5 x+ H
BBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs London Bridge is falling down.flv
+ t7 F4 [+ H  j' Z2 M3 @* d' wBBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs Miss Molly had a dolly.flv
8 b0 Q9 d# b+ @; }6 ?BBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs Old MacDonald had a farm, 2.flv' x  C* N% T+ W
BBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs Row, row, row your boat.flv
2 P* ^0 C: e* S, F4 EBBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs The animal fair.flv  H& u* ^- v+ j9 ~  o
BBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs The bear went over the mountain.flv' m. \1 @3 a! {6 r" @8 P
BBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs The big ship sails on the ally ally oh.flv3 r" t& n: L( C+ m+ @* T" t. i2 f
BBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs The grand old Duke of York.flv
2 X# d) a7 [2 N# Y) c; J9 k6 EBBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs The wheels on the bus.flv( I# _: y' H9 I
BBC - School Radio - Nursery rhymes and songs Twinkle, twinkle little star.flv' L2 ~! \+ c( l3 N) q
BBC - School Radio - Nursery songs and rhymes Five little ducks went swimming one day.flv' R& A- d  ?  f# j4 D/ J# u

! ]6 c! W( }1 P
2 {3 I' G/ N$ _0 Y8 W% y3 Q5 W" x  j7 m9 a# D) W1 [
  [/ S% v/ N$ c# B7 F3 [链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gflACWr
. e- j' p1 s" F% T9 N6 j5 m
小鱼等我  评论于  2017-6-30 10:10:59
lulu8211  评论于  2017-6-30 14:27:04
thank you for your sharing~~~~~
linglinglov  评论于  2017-6-30 15:40:50
thank you for your sharing~~~~~
niuying422  评论于  2017-7-5 15:53:30
zhixinbaobao  评论于  2017-7-6 11:09:01
loffy  评论于  2017-7-6 22:02:20
- }1 L1 Y$ I5 G9 e  o. w$ |- a: V6 R
Henry2013  评论于  2017-7-7 10:48:48
感谢分享 回去和孩子一起看 谢谢楼主
Henry2013  评论于  2017-7-7 10:50:08
一路向南安安  评论于  2017-7-7 11:05:43
英语动画资源圈 英文动画是孩子英语启蒙的不错选择,爱贝网的英语动画非常多,我也分享过不少动画资源。特别在爱贝建立一个英语动画资源圈,方便各位爸爸妈妈!大家如果有好的资源欢迎共享! 群主: 我是猫爱吃鱼

