发表于: 2020-1-22 17:14:48

Tales from Shakespeare (Penguin Readers Level 5) - 2008

Classic / British English This Book includes stories based on seven of Shakespeare's greatest plays. We meet many of Shakespeare's most famous characters -- magical Prospero; Puck, the badly-behaved fairy; evil Macbeth; Shylock, the greedy moneylender, and many more. This is a wonderful first step on the journey into the world of Shakespeare.7 O$ q; b% g+ B$ N9 J/ G

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Tales from Shakespeare (Penguin Readers Level 5) - 2008

, t& Q9 B* i9 {3 F; m# F. jTales from Shakespeare (Penguin Readers Level 5)基本信息:$ \6 C: ~/ L2 v
作者:  William Shakespeare* e) o! D) |0 E0 ~1 l
! Q3 J" R0 M* n' J7 A出版社:  Pearson Education ESL3 g" Q" u: ?8 }. u3 Q
系列: Penguin Readers: Level 5
4 q, G8 p  a! I: R4 n, h5 E; @) Y# v- o2 f; o, T6 S2 K  v. E
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1HzVTpzLO048xRq7LkOV4aQ
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