发表于: 2020-1-17 15:30:25

Paul叔美语发音视频教程 American Pronunciation Workshop

Paul叔American Pronunciation Workshop元音辅音发音纠正部分,全部学完复习完周末又听了一遍整理下笔记,后面是《把你的英语用起来》中总结的中国人的发音难点。APW这个材料真的非常好,看了好多年美剧,听美语发音其实很熟悉,但是经过讲解才发现原来某些音是那样发出来的,有些学过的发音规则也早忘了,学完对口语帮助很大。+ M) M" A$ E, R3 }

: d2 Q4 q3 O. G; {+ u. X$ S) ~APW S1 R&W
" F/ E5 X! [1 r: `! V5 O' i; a$ w% LR Tips' ]( M+ L$ {, c! e* S3 M
Your mouth and lips come forward, like you are going to kiss. Woo
+ T" x) l( I! x  N5 K$ r" x" CYour tongue moves back in your mouth, NOT forward.(checking-putting fingertip into mouth to check position of the tip of the tongue)/ D- i( G8 f$ B( U- K% N$ y# K
( W# x" F1 Q9 \9 C" o2 T
R effect vowel sound(or,ar,ur,ear..)
( x6 |: p+ X5 Z" j2 A+ Y) `' d0 OR blend r is the strongest sound.. Put mouth forward before saying the word (Tr,Pr,Br).
9 N" x: Q, i1 g1 i! }, sW Tips- I! X3 h; G* D: M" g( d: M
Practice first with OO.(Bring mouth forward first)5 X5 p0 a/ o- H1 G5 p
Then go into OOOOOWAWAWA.
7 v/ s6 k3 ^" R4 o' f$ MRemember, a W is always makes a W sound. It NEVER makes a V sound.
  t1 {! a4 X1 t8 @! A& TQ words (produced as a KW sound)1 j8 F' d9 R( R, q4 Q! Y8 _
- D& U/ M# ^; ~; ]+ ]$ o: ^  H

Paul叔美语发音视频教程 American Pronunciation Workshop

0 e; v5 `" p, i) K# `APW S5 L
8 L  |' c" T5 `+ p; ]$ uMouth should be wide open and jaw should be down
, w' Z2 |$ K8 l5 f6 s9 a9 M- eYour tongue should RISE UP (independently of your jaw) and touch right behind your top teeth.9 k5 Z# T" p4 Y
Produce the ‘L’ sound by dropping and relaxing your tongue.
" P  l5 G4 I% `$ y- G& RJaw should not be moving at tall(use finger to full down the bottom teeth, while tongue stay up)7 r; z8 w2 K' [" ~0 _! C7 W
L ending L sound produced by the movement of the tongue rising(don’t  move jaw).
) g" S& @! J2 @1 U: S+ w) z8 L$ W- P8 N
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pUbJc8AIeRMDh58JWmKA4g
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' T1 p4 w4 S/ v9 D* _9 o" h& A, [* J5 J# t
儿童英语分级读物 目前市面上八大主流的分级读物:牛津阅读树、I can Read系列、RAZ、Step into Reading、海尼曼、我的图书馆系列、培生幼儿英语、培生儿童英语。 群主: 超级傲慢的达西

