Miranda [博士生]
2984 6
发表于: 2017-9-9 14:06:27
原版英文 The Last Panther - Todd Mitchell 电子书mobi+epub分享# B- Q2 ~  J; m6 ]5 [
For fans of The One and Only Ivan and Hoot, this is the uplifting story of a girl who discovers a family of panthers that were thought to be extinct, and her journey to save the species.
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# y# x  i- R! k  NEleven-year-old Kiri has a secret: wild things call to her. More than anyone else, she’s always had a special connection to animals.
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' H* C+ ]7 U  _8 [, XBut when Kiri has an encounter with the last known Florida panther, her life is quickly turned on end. Caught between her conservationist father, who wants to send the panther to a zoo, and the village poachers, who want to sell it to feed their families, Kiri must embark on a journey that will take her deep into the wilderness.
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1 F; E0 O, {6 q+ [; \There has to be some way to save the panther, and for her da and the villagers to understand each other. If Kiri can’t figure out what it is, she’ll lose far more than the panthers—she’ll lose the only home she’s ever known, and the only family she has left.
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原版英文 The Last Panther - Todd Mitchell 电子书mobi+epub分享

* S' r% c6 w8 q; t$ K& j百度网盘分享:
/ ?1 J1 K( \% J9 m, p6 _8 y. p链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1slv3Tdr 密码:

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jane198200  评论于  2017-9-11 11:05:16
原版英文 The Last Panther
圣求子  评论于  2018-2-27 01:04:24
原版英文 The Last Panther
trankee  评论于  2019-3-2 14:34:14
13776633993  评论于  2019-8-26 11:09:30
steve70  评论于  2019-10-15 00:49:57
GAO175  评论于  2020-1-3 15:46:00
原版英语资料下载 原版英语资源圈建设的目的就是帮助爸妈们更好的找到需要的资料,本圈子主要是分英语绘本pdf、英语MP3音频。大家如果在外面没找到自己想要的资源,可以在本圈子搜索或求助。欢迎各位爸爸妈妈加入哦! 群主: Miranda

