小美妞 [大学生]
4260 3
发表于: 2019-6-1 15:36:15
廖彩杏168本绘本书单:I can read with my eyes shut!中英翻译指导; M! _4 K$ ~* W6 d8 x
/ i$ T; a. B$ v. I7 A
I can read in red. I can read in blue. I can read in pickle color too.7 b7 u1 @) O7 a# K

8 g( l) W9 o5 [' b; O+ B我能戴着红色的眼镜读书,我能戴着蓝色的眼镜读书,还能戴着腌黄瓜色的眼镜读书。
/ n! m' j; u6 [8 M' |  z! W% Q
- w8 n7 u- m5 F( h5 uI can read in bed. And in purple. And in brown.% P4 x: F0 `) F! Y$ c

4 J  I$ M5 _- P+ s5 I7 y我能在床上读书。还能戴着一只紫色镜片、一只棕色镜片的眼镜读书。8 D* T! {( S5 V. ~* b# e5 W) `

3 @' `: p- c4 `& \3 I% d7 R9 x8 ]* v, S$ h. A* G( {2 r
I can read in a circle and upside down.' Z" [( s. _& r: F& b5 q
我可以转着圈儿读,还能倒着个儿读!, X: |. @6 I: i/ U" O+ J/ p
廖彩杏168本绘本书单:I can read with my eyes shut!中英翻译指导
( w6 X( r. K0 y2 m+ d) Z
. f& f6 d0 n* q( M% M# `) dI can read with my left eye. I can read with my right eye.
$ P- S0 B2 k- W我能用左眼读。我能用右眼读。+ A1 Y4 w: L. C

* B; o3 T/ a. g- |* a, q& y" J% p( L. @
2 Y* w. z. R, e" XI can read Mississippi with my eyes shut tight!
& L) Q/ l+ J) i2 P0 n8 j" Z+ A我哪怕是紧紧闭上双眼,也能读出密西西比!
* L: x7 J% p# t* [: ?+ K$ s5 |' i7 Q
& Q+ p) u/ k: r$ XMississippi, Indianapolis and Hallelujah, too!
% ?% ?( z) T6 q9 N密西西比、印第安纳波利斯,还有哈利路亚!; ~6 d) ]3 W! Z& x. S" r' z8 q' \# X
/ M; Q1 F" h) o$ A6 x
' ]' A, _8 Z8 s! t4 l+ i4 s. K
I can read them with my eyes shut! That is very hard to do!, @4 G5 \% n/ i  u' z: c
我闭着眼睛都能读出来!这可是非常难以做到的!! r0 `5 G7 H6 e, I& T1 @; Z$ p
廖彩杏168本绘本书单:I can read with my eyes shut!中英翻译指导 ' g$ Y% v9 y3 d! Q; S; m

3 S" Z% Q, d, t9 K* L' JBut it's bad for my hat and makes my eyebrows get red hot. So… reading with my eyes shut, I don't do an awful lot.
2 F' b4 u1 G" f但是,这对我的帽子可不大好,而且我的眉毛也胀得火烧火燎。所以,我可不会轻易闭着眼睛读书。
, F3 }0 e3 T1 C% C$ @1 \+ ]0 r( q' ^& p
9 j0 s3 R& p! a% r) U: D
: {% Y, R3 V, R- T: X
And when I keep them open I can read with much more speed. You must be a speedy reader because there's so, so much to read!& r  k1 D# k+ ]" h
当我睁着眼睛的时候,我的阅读速度要快得多。你必须做一个快速的阅读者,因为要读的东西多得数不清!7 j& ?. O& o& [& }+ K1 d
  F+ k7 r* Z! ?5 Y
+ k" r. Q/ R  M1 o
You can read about trees… and bees… and knees.
) s. n/ {' Z. B8 @你可以读到树木……蜜蜂……还有膝盖。6 |5 `" r+ b6 }( Z! `& ]  I  t$ E# N

# i6 ?( a( E) K6 y& M' l
6 I: P8 }5 M) ?! |1 y9 j% b" y! F0 ^, W1 q. A* Q% p
And knees on trees! And bees on threes!
; l4 u. X, i- a  C& p6 k# A% a树顶上冒出的膝盖!停留在数字3上的蜜蜂!
  C  c# e# G$ m1 @. z' @  c+ O( N4 x/ W, _- Q
You can read about anchors. And all about ants.
' O' d6 R: M8 a4 b你可以读到船锚,还有关于蚂蚁的一切。
2 w. O1 @, X3 \7 z3 F
0 c' ~2 E8 ^' Y! B* t  U+ L
8 a1 X6 F: l! ?$ j7 J! h# d4 m2 V) ~You can read about ankles! And crocodile pants!
, V0 j. Q  [' G0 q+ P- {你可以读到脚脖子!还有鳄鱼穿的短裤!! P9 y3 S$ u7 C

* s$ {3 ^; }% f( j" K* w( w3 x, Y" s5 Z' f) F  y
You can read about hoses… and how to smell roses… and what you should do about owls on noses!3 w# T# J0 ]( r! C" C
  ~/ F/ Z: P, |6 X/ o8 }' r5 n6 C9 v, B
廖彩杏168本绘本书单:I can read with my eyes shut!中英翻译指导
& B! j+ B; |. T4 m; y9 dYoung cat! If you keep your eyes open enough. Oh, the stuff you will learn! The most wonderful stuff! You'll learn about…
  j0 H3 q8 Y$ M, I+ \年幼不经事的小猫,如果你睁大眼睛,你能领略大千世界多少奇妙的事物啊!绝对是妙趣横生!你会意识到……& @" b8 F- w# f2 d  q
( U9 I# W# Y# ^! R+ S2 {) K' w
8 {% [3 |: t. b- R  D7 t, L
Fishbones… and wishbones. You'll learn about trombones, too.
. L4 S; H1 D! m1 {鱼骨……和叉骨。还会了解什么是长号。5 q/ @3 Y0 g4 `+ {) G; d% p

! S* D$ \0 i  c" S1 N
' ]% I/ f$ Q) I5 r9 N4 y, a6 pYou'll learn about Jake the Pillow Snake and all about Foo-Foo the Snoo." [% u0 N0 f3 a: t( q
你会认识盘在枕头上的小蛇杰克。还有一只名叫弗弗的牛角兽。6 z0 z% G# D6 i4 g( k

5 d7 E( W" e9 q3 _& ~) E2 W5 l6 y  ^$ }- k- R+ z
You can learn about ice. You can learn about mice. Mice on ice. And ice on mice.9 _: [- |5 l- h
0 ]5 J7 ?1 X$ Q/ x6 T- h
  i- }& k" \) f# ?* ]You can learn about the price of ice. Nice ice for sale. Ten cents a pail.0 v/ Q8 v) E5 k
你还能了解冰块的价格。有上好的冰块出售,十分钱一桶。( _! D! U- k$ V  J  i& W

: x, o' v* P" Y) z! b2 HYou can learn about SAD… and GLAD… and MAD!7 b7 q) m$ w. {0 c% K2 {" M. I0 i
你会知道什么是忧伤……什么是快乐……还有什么是怒气冲冲!+ I6 Q0 T* K" C3 G7 u: A; u
( j1 }. c' }4 O( \4 A
, i4 a7 S  c* h+ B* e" w+ ?

2 I; [1 B% b5 \+ r2 V4 lThere are so many things you can learn about. But… you'll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut.
# d. S, l9 d( G; j" u4 V大千世界,有多少事物可以领略,但是如果你闭上眼睛,就会错过最精彩的瞬间。
# k1 p  G4 F1 ]2 O% j
3 U* X0 l& J& Z- z  X* k# x6 n
6 W4 W( _8 t3 @The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.3 R/ h: _% ^: @8 V- }) g; u
' E2 p3 V+ M% V& A
) O# y# M: P& F' L. y/ }2 Z2 e+ l) E9 \: U+ S
You might learn a way to earn a few dollars.
. I% G5 k: }  h) m% ?! i7 p4 d你可能还会学着挣点儿钱。6 K: x1 o1 y8 ?. x5 M8 |+ x
/ F0 t4 C1 G" X
' H* a1 ]! S. m" V- s' g
( g: r' G8 `! c9 b' Y8 C& c0 e
2 f! A3 {1 r" u) c5 L5 E2 h

4 d# P* \+ X& i其他廖彩杏相关的信息:
- E7 H- Z/ c- D- Q, F+ a, c8 G  Q; X, U% l
, c! a) V9 A+ F. C2 K! O
/ v- v- F' g) }1 J) A4 h( T


5 K' U/ s. z. k










8 {% c$ o# P: n( d0 l5 y

$ @8 ~$ t: }/ ^" Y3 U! v* Z
7 T0 Z% J) D# D5 Z5 x5 C. D

& Q( o+ C% z. A3 w
小兔籽  评论于  2020-4-4 21:18:40
huguifang  评论于  2020-12-14 13:13:49
rexean  评论于  2023-9-6 18:52:33
廖彩杏书单阅读 一个从未留洋,也自承发音并不道地的廖彩杏,总是很诚心的告诉对方:“与其花钱去补习班,不如有规律的听英文有声故事,不仅经济实惠,而且效果更好。”她自创了一年52周100本英文绘本阅读计划和书目清单,更有效的带孩子启蒙英语。 群主: 风起云涌

