王妃 [博士生]
6394 39
发表于: 2020-6-30 16:27:49
要说特别火的儿童作家,凯迪克获奖作家 Dav Pilkey (戴夫·皮尔奇)一定会位列其中。他的代表作《内裤超人》系列被梦工厂搬上了大屏幕,新作 Dog Man 是国外小学生中家喻户晓的热销书。The Adventures of Captain Underpants《内裤超人》系列在美国真的非常有名,销量突破7000万册,几乎每个读过的孩子都好喜欢。各种奖项和厉害的销量都在告诉我们,它在孩子中间有多受欢迎。
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$ X  \1 z' \) ^/ s) {( t这个系列讲述了两个调皮捣蛋的四年级男孩George和Harold的故事,他们虽然处处闯祸,喜欢恶作剧,又常常闹些无厘头的笑话,让大人们头痛不已,不过两人其实本性一点也不坏,他们伟大的发明就是创造了“内裤超人”。$ h0 `% ]1 O! m  Z% q

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8 t! X2 _" {/ d. O内裤超人拥有超能力——内裤神功,没有他办不到的事情。两个小男孩和内裤超人一起合力打扮了尿布博士、吃人马桶、外星大嘴妖、史屁多教授和疯狂女老师……过程超级爆笑。这两个全世界富想象力的“坏”孩子却给全世界的孩子带来了无限的快乐。
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1 R3 O5 t" D6 A  O' H; R' }12册目录# P3 y+ O6 H- Z& V2 e$ W6 i
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#01:The Adventures of Captain Underpants1 u) H$ e& f5 S# ^& ~' Q
5 g; A# S. G/ {9 g/ P0 T
#02:Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets
( U4 o# y  M6 C# O! ]. S7 C) K6 l% ~$ [! w
#03:Captain Underpants and the Invasion of the Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies from Outer Space
! h$ D( }2 _1 U( H* o) O% y1 N9 k9 y8 N! x$ ~8 _
#04:Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants! k9 U" c; j* T0 z0 n, G

) L( p2 {& [+ @#05:Captain Underpants and the Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Women
: D. {2 D4 Z2 G9 E5 B6 K5 Z; b9 l; ^# w% W* H
#06:  Captain Underpants And Big Bad Battle Of The Bionic Booger Boy Part 1
0 `# G, D, r; P3 ?+ G; q
, }  I) F! f! o* e: e) z$ [#07:  Captain Underpants And Big Bad Battle Of The Bionic Booger Boy Part 2 2 F& C% e4 k2 x5 C4 E, D$ {3 j" `% |

7 j4 C* k9 h2 H1 N- l" x#08:  Captain Underpants And The Preposterous Plight Of The Purple Potty People
4 L4 t. I6 h0 W9 \
. `7 m" f3 `3 P* _3 W3 e#09:  Captain Underpants and the Terrifying Return of Tippy Tinkletrousers
' Y! M! J0 C5 u/ X! d  G9 S" }2 N( Q7 L  P
#10:  Captain Underpants and the Revolting Revenge of the Radioactive Robo-Boxers
( A  e. R! m9 `
/ [/ j% n$ z1 _2 W#11:  Captain Underpants and the Tyrannical Retaliation of the Turbo Toilet 20002 H9 J8 U1 p( `

) T: ?3 c5 B/ n4 d9 v! ]2 q& y#12:  Captain Underpants and the Sensational Saga of Sir Stinks-A-Lot
; [4 b& p7 z/ t- M2 P1 W; B) k$ y0 z+ R* |
102734fhsebpphibho6chi.jpg 2 _: p% D6 Y+ f7 T; b

- O& ^" m, P# A. `绘本链接:内裤超人Captain Underpants
8 a6 u3 A6 H# x* X7 V6 p5 _! l
& W' [' A& R: b. u. _* K. l7 X" u链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/166l0jrC-a8nZaHFx7m3WqA 提取码:

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9 g% V3 s3 Z; A/ r  G
英语动画资源圈 英文动画是孩子英语启蒙的不错选择,爱贝网的英语动画非常多,我也分享过不少动画资源。特别在爱贝建立一个英语动画资源圈,方便各位爸爸妈妈!大家如果有好的资源欢迎共享! 群主: 我是猫爱吃鱼

