发表于: 2016-1-25 17:37:27
《The Doublecross-And Other Skills I Learned as a Superspy》电子书mobi+epub资源下载% ~4 l0 y( v; h6 X9 V3 U
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《The Doublecross-And Other Skills I Learned as a Superspy》电子书mobi+epub资源 + Q4 z' K8 J9 ?1 j

( g; V$ w! b6 Y! t4 s9 S' q0 \作者:Jackson Pearce
2 ~; R6 o5 j+ d8 p" ^- Z5 X适合年龄:8 - 12岁9 q9 G( N2 _( k- }
语言: English
( j/ l  t# l) ]3 ~4 [/ t" _简介:' l0 ~( h5 ^4 t# Q/ r
Everyone in twelve-year-old Hale's family is a spy, going way back. They've all worked for the Sub Rosa
2 m, {% E8 I6 ~Society, an elite organization that's so top secret that new agents aren't recruited; they're born. 7 \9 L+ q7 U7 {7 J
Despite the fact that Hale can defuse an explosive, don a disguise in seconds, and speak eleven
9 F0 [/ h- |  R% jlanguages, Hale isn't like his spy-school classmates-- he is, as his mother puts it, "big-boned," and as 0 I6 M. f1 j, M1 v- T3 n  l, {2 o* U
everyone else puts it, "fat."
4 {9 F5 N9 t" g4 @5 N. O1 e6 U) L& O7 v7 ~1 u+ Y7 c$ `# [1 U; L$ ?/ u- y
But when Hale's parents go missing while on a secret mission--likely captured by SRS's number one - Y* Y( Z' ^6 d  s+ f6 X
enemy--it's Hale's time to step up and (with a little help from his acrobat cheerleader little sister) $ m% G8 S5 E' q' {6 N. o; G
save the day. The trouble is, when you're surrounded by spies, who can you trust?
* l" ?& Q  @6 q% T' X6 ~1 k

2 T4 d5 `1 R  @7 v* S5 A/ k5 p, p

$ P& k5 M" r! H" v. \3 b9 W 《The Doublecross-And Other Skills I Learned as a Superspy》电子书mobi+epub资源
4 g* {* H5 }7 c, `; `4 H# P7 A) o
有声书音频及电子书资 在电子产品盛产的年代,电子书和有声书因为能永久性保存携带又方便,所以当下的电子书很受欢迎。电子书和有声书也可以促进孩子阅读。所以就想着把电子书和有声书的资源整合起来,方便家长给孩子看。 群主: 小柒麦麦

