发表于: 2016-1-19 17:20:38
Captain Awesome series 1-15电子书mobi+epub资源下载; P* }" r* z2 V. \

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Captain Awesome series 1-15电子书mobi+epub资源下载 - H1 b# r9 T+ {7 M- d! @

+ w( o' K* y. X作者:Stan Kirby" M0 p, M' Z( j* @. }' B; R: F, n; ~. l
适合年龄:5 - 9岁( h1 `% O' O4 Q. d
语言: English
6 b" o  Z1 _$ L8 A1 Q, ]& P简介:
, D* D' w6 o& |  ~% S! RImaginative second grader Eugene McGillicudy loves comic books and superheroes so much that he invents his very own superhero alter ego named…CAPTAIN AWESOME! MI-TEE! Along with best friend Charlie Thomas Jones (aka Nacho Cheese Man) and sidekick Turbo the hamster, Captain Awesome and his superpowered squad protect the town of Sunnyview--as well as the universe--from a comical crowd of “bad guys” like Queen Stinkypants, Dr. Spinach, Mr. Drools and Baron and Baroness von Booger.
5 ?. M" i4 E2 @  V8 F% U- @7 q
8 V* `. j9 ^# m8 J目录:
! e! G# F% T7 h+ q, _* R[Captain Awesome 01] - Captain Awesome to the Rescue cover' t0 y2 n4 _9 G9 @# S  c6 ]/ V
[Captain Awesome 02] - Captain Awesome vs Nacho Cheese Man cover
% z* ]! z7 }& n: `; a% f( w/ e[Captain Awesome 03] - Captain Awesome and the New Kid cover6 K( Q- E/ j* A. t( p
[Captain Awesome 04] - Captain Awesome Takes a Dive cover; J! e! G/ u& U4 v
[Captain Awesome 05] - Captain Awesome Soccer Star cover
+ e1 `% F7 M+ V[Captain Awesome 06] - Captain Awesome Saves the Winter Wonderland cover& y# w- d2 b' f# L+ O
[Captain Awesome 07] - Captain Awesome and the Ultimate Spelling Bee cover
8 Q! Z* r1 K1 p  U[Captain Awesome 08] - Captain Awesome vs the Spooky Scary House cover
3 p' I+ V' Y% m- L( m[Captain Awesome 09] - Captain Awesome Gets Crushed cover+ w) Y% J7 Y0 P7 i( ~3 I
[Captain Awesome 10] - Captain Awesome and the Missing Elephants cover$ v0 V- D. |: U" j8 t" t
[Captain Awesome 11] - Captain Awesome vs the Evil Babysitter cover
0 J, U# ]0 R% e3 T" h[Captain Awesome 12] - Captain Awesome Gets a Hole-in-One cover  O1 r8 k1 X  a3 j. f( J8 z
[Captain Awesome 13] - Captain Awesome and the Easter Egg Bandit cover
) q0 O7 x: |' H1 w[Captain Awesome 14] - Captain Awesome Goes to Superhero Camp cover8 {% u6 T- |' K% _' v$ F: @
[Captain Awesome 15] - Captain Awesome and the Mummy's Treasure cover

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+ m7 u" V& `1 P* N' R Captain Awesome series 1-15电子书mobi+epub资源下载 4 ?9 N7 [4 ~. E" \& _; ?' `
有声书音频及电子书资 在电子产品盛产的年代,电子书和有声书因为能永久性保存携带又方便,所以当下的电子书很受欢迎。电子书和有声书也可以促进孩子阅读。所以就想着把电子书和有声书的资源整合起来,方便家长给孩子看。 群主: 小柒麦麦

