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适合4岁以上孩子的英文原版绘本:monkey’s clever tale
时间:2016-01-13 15:03来源:互联网 作者:佚名 点击:
Monkey's Clever Tale When Ameerah Monkey wants to cross the river, she hatches a plot to trick Crocodile into helping here. But how will she escape being his next meal? 猴子想要过河,她是怎么说服鳄鱼帮助她,又是怎么避免成为鳄鱼的美餐呢 ?
monkey’s clever tale这个绘本内容来自于加勒比的传统故事,讲的是有一只叫做Ameerah的猴子想过河,她想了一个办法希望在河里的鳄鱼帮助她过河;在我们的印象中鳄鱼可是性情凶猛的动物,鳄鱼就是“恶鱼”;一提到鳄鱼,立刻会想到血盆大口,密布的尖利牙齿,全身坚硬的盔甲,时刻准备吃人的神态;凶猛的鳄鱼会上当这么傻真的带她过河吗?好的,让我们来看看这个绘本的信息:
书名:monkey’s clever tale 猴子的聪明的故事
出版社名称: Child's Play
作者:Andrew Fusek Peters
monkey\s clever tale
作者Andrew Fusek Peters 是一个英国诗人,曾是还是英语和戏剧老师,写过很多儿童书籍,他的诗很押韵并注重节奏感。Andrew Fusek Peters is an Anglo-Czech poet, storyteller, didgeridoo player, broadcaster, anthologist and author with an international reputation. He is the UK`s tallest poet at 6`8" and has worked in thousands of schools, libraries, arts centres and literary festivals, giving lively performances and running workshops with all ages and abilities. `An experienced and accomplished anthologist`, according to the TES, Andrew has published more than 70 books and his poems appear in the Poetry Archive, set up by the Poet Laureate to record the best poets.
Polly Peters is a former English and Drama teacher. She was previously Head of Drama at a sixth form college and currently works as a youth/community theatre leader, director and playwright.
这套书适合的年龄在4岁及以上的孩子,我看了内容虽然很长,但是很多单词都有重复,比如:monkey 全文出现了34次;crocodile出现了42次;Ameerah  出现了29次等等。
monkey’s clever tale 绘本内页
Monkey  Clever Tale
Down  below,  Crocodile  was  wallowing  in  the  mud  on the  bank  and  picking  his  very  sharp  teeth.  
Crocodiles  are  monkeys’  worst  enemies,  but  Ameerah  was  not  at  all  frightened  of  this  one.
Monkey  Clever Tale
“Climb  onto  my  tail  and
Hold  on  tight!”  he  commanded.
With  that,  Ameerah   jumped
Onto  the  long,  leathery  tail,
And  the  crocodile  waded
Into  the  water.
Monkey  Clever Tale

Ameerah’s  teeth  began  to  chatter.

“Y-You  know  the  reason  why  I  am  c-crossing  the  river,   friend  Crocodile?”

She  asked,

Trying  to  take  her  mind  off  the  swirling  water.

好啦~~monkey’s clever tale的绘本信息就分享到这里,想知道猴子想要过河,她是怎么说服鳄鱼帮助她,又是怎么避免成为鳄鱼的美餐呢 ?更多的请看相关信息:
温馨提示:如果电子档看的不过瘾还可以关注我们爱贝好租网(http://rent.i-bei.cn/ ),上面会有关于这套绘本的详细信息哦!


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