发表于: 2017-11-18 15:56:25
英文绘本You're All my Favourites 你们都是我的最爱 ib格式点读包下载- x8 [4 k. v. t! ?

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内容摘要; s: ]: c6 v- n, X( D
From the creators of "Guess How Much I Love You", this enchanting story tells of the unconditional love between a family of bears.Mummy and Daddy Bear reassure their three little bears that each is equally special. But the little bears start to wonder: do their differences mean one is loved less? After some love and affection, the bears are satisfied that they really are all their parents' favourites!4 D1 f$ t' P! {# N* g6 r# a
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从创作者的“猜猜我有多爱你,这个迷人的故事讲述的是一个熊的家族之间的无条件的爱。妈妈和爸爸熊向他们的三只小熊,同样是特殊的。但小熊开始怀疑:他们的差异意味着一个被爱的少?有些爱后,熊很满意,他们真的都是父母的爱!3 U, |9 M& L/ I) ^) [
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qianhen  评论于  2018-4-16 15:19:56
you are all my favorites
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