Miranda [博士生]
3109 7
发表于: 2017-9-9 15:52:26
原版英文Paper Princess - Carys Jones 电子书Mobi+epub分享3 R! D3 j0 ?5 {
After the summer of Matilda 'Tilly' Johnson's 11th birthday things are changing. Tilly is about to start secondary school, the same school as her older sisters, Monica and Maria. But Tilly doesn't fit in with her sisters. She doesn't really fit in with anyone. Her head is always filled with fairy tales and potential happily-ever-after endings. In her mind she's still a princess trapped up in a tower waiting to be rescued. 3 s. m  _# @( Y: Q' C8 C& V* _& Z
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Everyone is telling Tilly that she needs to stop believing in fairy tales and start being present in the real world. But with so many things changing beyond her control is Tilly really ready to give up the one thing which makes her feel safe? Can Tilly learn to accept that happily ever afters might not even exist?
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6 ^, W; t0 y5 G6 o8 lAbout the author
7 c5 |: u8 S) A( m; DCarys Jones loves nothing more than to write and create stories which ignite the reader's imagination. Based in Shropshire, England, Carys lives with her husband and her adored canine companion, Rollo.
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When she's not writing, Carys likes to indulge her inner geek by watching science- fiction films or playing video games. 7 c! |" l( Z8 _7 l9 t

- O+ J. M/ ], P. \/ Y* E/ T  ZShe lists John Green, Jodi Picoult and Virginia Andrews as her favorite authors and draws inspiration for her own work from anything and everything.
) Z5 f1 M. n$ b3 n$ J. X" O 原版英文Paper Princess - Carys Jones 电子书Mobi+epub分享
/ B/ x. [# @% l百度网盘分享:) a. b( B9 [" E: t) Q
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1nvFULmx 密码:

! J5 S! y- ]- U' e0 Q3 E  a! B4 s5 I- Y4 o! w
expertwk  评论于  2017-10-18 11:19:39
luckyjiabin  评论于  2018-5-3 12:53:02
luckyjiabin  评论于  2018-5-3 12:57:19
楼主不厚道啊, 下载下来的内容是Dr.Seuss的Happy Birthday To You, 而且打开以后是一种什么执行文件, 根本不能用, 怀疑是病毒。我还花了10个爱币。
trankee  评论于  2019-3-2 15:40:37
谢谢分享!  h/ M) x* _0 D7 K3 L" p
trankee  评论于  2019-3-8 15:04:58
hxhua008  评论于  2019-4-1 10:09:33
干得漂亮 谢谢您的热情分享!
Sybilyan  评论于  2020-1-14 11:30:10
原版英语资料下载 原版英语资源圈建设的目的就是帮助爸妈们更好的找到需要的资料,本圈子主要是分英语绘本pdf、英语MP3音频。大家如果在外面没找到自己想要的资源,可以在本圈子搜索或求助。欢迎各位爸爸妈妈加入哦! 群主: Miranda

