发表于: 2016-1-13 18:34:10
《The Book With No Pictures》电子书 PDF资源下载
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《The Book With No Pictures》电子书 PDF资源下载
! |, c+ u- l& X$ F3 Y  E
! X$ S! t3 Z# P% s  j- ^  I作者:B.J. Novak
& I3 u0 X& z# p) Y* _/ j适合年龄:5 - 8岁2 S9 e4 L* e$ A) z8 h& K5 t+ y6 T
语言: English
; j5 u* @/ F8 k3 W0 M0 r简介:
2 A. v1 V% o$ J) K, L" DA #1 New York Times bestseller, this innovative and wildly funny read-aloud by award-winning humorist/actor B.J. Novak will turn any reader into a comedian.
8 A6 u: z% D! ]: B$ F+ T" KYou might think a book with no pictures seems boring and serious. Except . . . here’s how books work. Everything written on the page has to be said by the person reading it aloud. Even if the words say . . .: }6 I2 N0 V9 \  J% a+ t

0 A% P( K7 V4 S3 F  e6 M) wBLORK. Or BLUURF.
) v5 u( @) M6 t/ ~+ W/ Y0 k( |; h1 r- ^* {0 R: @
Even if the words are a preposterous song about eating ants for breakfast, or just a list of astonishingly goofy sounds like BLAGGITY BLAGGITY and GLIBBITY GLOBBITY." I' @* H0 @8 \9 ^: v# m* T
! Y4 R. x2 ~2 X
Cleverly irreverent and irresistibly silly, The Book with No Pictures is one that kids will beg to hear again and again. (And parents will be happy to oblige.)
4 m! o4 @4 M: I2 Z! {: d

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; s/ n+ ]9 e: T 《The Book With No Pictures》电子书 PDF资源下载
3 n4 `9 }4 H; t4 w' N5 a7 j
shootji  评论于  2020-8-23 10:39:42
kris629  评论于  2020-10-20 14:28:46
有声书音频及电子书资 在电子产品盛产的年代,电子书和有声书因为能永久性保存携带又方便,所以当下的电子书很受欢迎。电子书和有声书也可以促进孩子阅读。所以就想着把电子书和有声书的资源整合起来,方便家长给孩子看。 群主: 小柒麦麦

