发表于: 2016-1-8 17:18:30
《Hank Zipzer》(4本)有声书音频m4b+mp3两种格式资源下载2 G. A2 [5 d# z- x" S. z/ k
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! Q, Y& G' t: w. Q

  k9 ]5 S! k4 s; }' B
0 p5 f- ^6 A2 N, l$ \& L作者:Henry Winkler
/ {; x: l+ l2 {6 v/ w7 R2 s适合年龄:8-10岁以上
7 d" Q+ {  {( jHank Zipzer, the Mostly True Confessions of the World's Best Underachiever8 Z* f5 l! U4 n
: W' w5 I) `, O8 V. p
简介:: x$ W- Y) l- Z
Hank Zipzer 01 - Niagara Falls, or Does It?
3 b" Y% _( U) X! [7 c/ {& a6 J4 Q! i: E
《Hank Zipzer》(4本)有声书音频m4b+mp3两种格式资源下载 $ g7 _, r* e0 X/ f6 H9 P
" K" b# I7 N6 o7 x3 t: p0 U
Hank Zipzer: He's smart. He's creative. He's funny. His pencils are sharpened. ; l! n4 `- p' S+ u" y
His binders are bound. He wants to do well in school, he really does.
8 r2 K, r! Z% ?5 `2 ?He tries not to be lazy, like his parents claim he is. 6 z- v: p% Y3 X, N
So why is he always getting into trouble?

  @. z! M  V) \- _/ U' g- H, I4 u
2 B* O/ I& U' K( U& f, o2 s. v
+ G6 k3 W  ]: \) p5 ^. x
Hank Zipzer 02 - I Got a 'D' in Salami0 \% y) `2 k- d; X( G  j

5 s6 C, H) E% Y, ~& i, u0 F 《Hank Zipzer》(4本)有声书音频m4b+mp3两种格式资源下载 $ p/ q! `3 {4 J

6 \2 l4 O- D; z- OIt's report card day, the most dreaded day of Hank Zipzer's school year.
) I# e% W- N4 T0 wAnd when Hank gets his grades, they're his worst nightmare come true: a D in spelling, a D in reading,
* q# }! O' a0 }7 ?a D in math. This is not going to make his parents happy. 0 c8 s5 t7 |! A# _2 m
This will certainly get him grounded for life. Hank needs help. And he needs it fast!
7 N$ o- [. J7 |: w% P! l
) Z4 Q6 L0 I) Z* o6 \! E/ _
, f  O+ Q' U* ^, D3 _
, W8 l$ d1 ?- z' Z& R9 A0 ?. t
Hank Zipzer 03 - Day of the Iguana $ M: T6 r0 p- \+ [* C- _$ T

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( z) q4 b" Y- a7 v, tIt's science-project time, which is bad news for Hank. He loves doing science experiments,
1 s; M4 @2 i# ~2 ^. _. abut writing a whole report is another story.
# q# k1 ]: [3 V3 b# N# kFinally, Hank comes up with a science project: he'll take apart the cable box and figure out how it works.
3 D  H; U3 S. B  M& V7 \  m+ ]But Hank wasn't counting on his sister Emily's iguana laying 18 eggs inside the cable box!
$ m5 d8 C) Q7 }0 SHow will Hank finish his project now and will he ever be able to watch TV again?

+ W) ~7 a& v$ N) M" T- e7 T
) j- Y, h! _+ t# [
' p  b! c2 X! [4 E/ x2 a
Hank Zipzer 04 - The Zippity Zinger
, L4 _  P3 A. ?" a% D4 U" T9 x; v% f' ]# x/ l
《Hank Zipzer》(4本)有声书音频m4b+mp3两种格式资源下载 . J! q% p8 Y$ |* V' C

! ?( w& x3 J) nIt's time for PS 87's annual Olympiad, the most anticipated day of the school year! 4 \+ i3 i: l4 ]/ F/ w+ h  s
But when Hank Zipzer is chosen as his team's softball pitcher, the pressure is on.
& w( V1 b. G$ [+ g& ]6 x8 B: sCan Hank lead his team to victory, even though he thinks he is the worst athlete in the history of the world?

" R7 Y  o- x! g% M1 x/ p2 @' A; y
2 U& J. q8 M" m, }% m3 @
% _# b8 o& r, l5 ?

: ^, |6 _8 Q. i" z/ i3 B
( Z$ K8 @$ P( W, w  U; e% j
有声书音频及电子书资 在电子产品盛产的年代,电子书和有声书因为能永久性保存携带又方便,所以当下的电子书很受欢迎。电子书和有声书也可以促进孩子阅读。所以就想着把电子书和有声书的资源整合起来,方便家长给孩子看。 群主: 小柒麦麦

