发表于: 2015-12-27 15:51:00
Angelina Ballerina
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Angelina Ballerina : `* z5 [0 g+ B1 r

8 `0 w. r: T3 W% Q- q& X6 [安吉丽娜是一只充满正能量的小老鼠,她的梦想是跳芭蕾舞,经过不懈的努力,她终于成为一名出色的芭蕾舞演员,登上了舞台。5 U* v1 n# o( A. {/ _: }) C* |
It’s been twenty-five years since Angelina danced her way into the hearts of young ballerinas, and she’s still going strong. A true modern classic, Angelina continues to be adored by her legions of fans. Celebrate her twenty-fifth anniversary with this special edition of the original book that started it all. Featuring a lavish jacket that’s as sparkly as one of Angelina’s costumes, this book is the perfect way to commemorate her anniversary.
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Angelina ballerina.zip (4.17 MB, 下载次数: 0)
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爱贝亲子绘本馆江宁莱茵店 爱贝亲子绘本馆江宁莱茵店为0-12岁孩子引进了上万本原版绘本有声图书,让孩子选择适合的绘本,在有声的世界里从小培养终生受益的阅读兴趣!(公众号:aibei-2011;一对一微信咨询wnm1623). 群主: 爱贝亲子绘本馆江宁莱茵店

