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发表于: 2019-6-5 16:01:45
廖彩杏168本英文书单:The Story of Ferdinand 爱花的牛双语阅读指导  E: K5 [9 i2 G6 n( J

  W1 F# g  x+ U, ?名称:The Story of Ferdinand
8 ^) L# r+ N& n$ d作者:Munro Leaf
! C1 |# g; C+ v/ m, P  `$ N% i( e 廖彩杏168本英文书单:The Story of Ferdinand 爱花的牛双语阅读指导
2 C. T' y8 _2 @- P内容简介:7 ~/ g- [5 K6 p# A# c% Y+ P
: Y$ U* A; x* |$ P5 a& S  u" @, ^& }0 ^" ?- z5 Q* L4 Y. C# X  D
& J% z+ g: a5 n& a( Z6 gMunro Leaf,出生于美国马里兰州,著名儿童文学作家与插图画家,40多年的时间里,他创作了40多部作品,其中这部写于1936的The Story of Ferdinand《爱花的牛》最为出名,出版至今没有断销过。
1 W9 H4 Q6 T0 i* ~
6 j: a9 Y$ [& fMunro先后毕业于美国马里兰大学和哈佛大学,哈佛英语文学硕士,毕业后在一所高中教书,后又到一家出版公司当编辑。他在不到1小时的时间里,写作了这个故事,并送给自己的好友Robert Lawson。后者也是一位著名的儿童作家与插图画家。两人合作完成了这一经典童书。本故事出版后,于1938年被迪士斯改编成电影并获奖。! m/ W5 j2 N8 b8 M7 O3 l
3 T5 ^& s' T" [3 k

8 i8 J9 B# b  d' r3 h 廖彩杏168本英文书单:The Story of Ferdinand 爱花的牛双语阅读指导 $ e. F3 \+ B6 v' M# F
Once upon a time in Spain, there was a little bull and his name was Ferdinand.% d9 o/ z7 x* L! K2 p
All the other little bulls he lived with would run and jump and butt their heads together, but not Ferdinand.0 T# M& s/ j! W# @/ L/ {
从前,在西班牙,有一头小公牛,名叫费迪南。7 e, M) a( u! h; x8 Y- r
4 h# X# U7 U3 z& u: ?0 |5 f+ j0 E, {$ z: L6 I/ L
廖彩杏168本英文书单:The Story of Ferdinand 爱花的牛双语阅读指导 " ?& m& z) l1 B# g* M% j
* e; A7 N; }' |3 ?. l2 |4 V
He liked to sit just quietly and smell the flowers.- I6 b/ L5 J( M: w0 B
He had a favorite spot out in the pasture under a cork tree.
0 |0 b. {/ ^0 Z2 t1 z. B3 vIt was his favorite tree and he would sit in its shade all day and smell the flowers.. H) z% t, w% d8 X
! o# Y4 u  t8 W. r牧场上有一棵黄柏树,树下是他最喜欢的地方。
$ q3 }" B, y3 f8 U- ~0 l# @那棵树是他最喜欢的树,他常常一天到晚坐在树荫下,闻着花香。
0 q, y  h; k+ f- Y" M1 l* Y1 m. `( C
1 `* [3 _+ s/ Z) ^
廖彩杏168本英文书单:The Story of Ferdinand 爱花的牛双语阅读指导 廖彩杏168本英文书单:The Story of Ferdinand 爱花的牛双语阅读指导 , ~4 h. b& Z4 \0 D
Sometimes his mother, who was a cow, would worry about him.; ^; L8 s3 z, j+ v& H
She was afraid he would be lonesome all by himself.
% {: U" N% P# ~1 Q“Why don’t you run and play with the other little bulls and skip and butt your head?” she would say.5 Z9 B& a0 v$ L/ i
But Ferdinand would shake his head.5 ?/ ?# G8 i5 e6 J5 N
“I like it better here where I can sit just quietly and smell the flowers.”/ u# I  b, E  P; Q1 ?) r
1 z# F7 T7 p0 v) z
他的母亲,一头奶牛,有时会有点担心。) J2 N7 u# Z+ J# l# v' m
她担心他一个人会感到寂寞。, v' j: J8 p+ h4 e- a& R
2 s( [, l: Q' G' J% A每当这个时候,费迪南总是摇摇头。4 s3 D! K( Y0 o" `1 E3 M
3 v/ G0 i  d) M8 X  W" |( h  a# G# O& f& I
廖彩杏168本英文书单:The Story of Ferdinand 爱花的牛双语阅读指导 / h3 {5 ]$ G& {; ?

5 X" T9 f: j/ F+ J 廖彩杏168本英文书单:The Story of Ferdinand 爱花的牛双语阅读指导 # K( B$ A5 z* T  T; U" A4 |
His mother saw that he was not lonesome, and because she was an understanding mother, even though she was a cow, she let him just sit there and be happy.# p9 p  k# \) {3 V
As the years went by Ferdinand grew and grew until he was very big and strong.2 h) f! l; R% e5 X: a
All the other bulls who had grown up with him in the same pasture would fight each other all day.
; Y9 {) I- a; i他的母亲看他并不孤独,(她是一位善解人意的母亲,尽管她是一头母牛),于是,便让他坐在那里,自得其乐。
) b$ n! ^: f* d随着岁月的流逝,费迪南长得越来越大,越来越强壮。
2 {% s: [( D4 n  o$ g和他一起在牧场上长大的其他公牛整天都在互相争斗。
1 K  _8 K8 h+ r! p) w) ~1 [他们会相互碰撞,牛角常常锁在一起。9 w  {! @+ _9 Z# E

  j; i+ ?2 \' j9 A7 m 廖彩杏168本英文书单:The Story of Ferdinand 爱花的牛双语阅读指导
' c8 s6 z& {) N$ o2 e+ ^" _% _6 w: I$ [  H
廖彩杏168本英文书单:The Story of Ferdinand 爱花的牛双语阅读指导
+ t0 G- P( t9 L  i) J* A  rThey would butt each other and stick each other with their horns.. B+ M- P6 `0 O( ^. C) s( w
What they wanted most of all was to be picked to fight at the bull fights in Madrid.5 X0 A) @* ?6 s7 n  h! K
But not Ferdinand – he still liked to sit just quietly under the cork tree and smell the flowers.$ ?1 W+ D  ~* X4 p
4 w8 `  i8 }) Y9 {/ A但是,费迪南却不喜欢。他仍然喜欢一个人静静地坐在黄柏树下,闻着花香。
$ y9 b& I  v8 h( Q7 D/ `' V' s- I" n- |

# U/ K' ?7 }( M# e+ J 廖彩杏168本英文书单:The Story of Ferdinand 爱花的牛双语阅读指导 廖彩杏168本英文书单:The Story of Ferdinand 爱花的牛双语阅读指导 / R* i. T, ~7 L# a
One day five men came in very funny hats to pick the biggest, fastest, roughest bull to fight in the bull fights in Madrid.
; A0 i2 M4 J9 M7 X* JAll the other bulls ran around snorting and butting, leaping and jumping so the men would think that they were very very strong and fierce and pick them.) _# N6 e% I8 A" f( F7 P& d
Ferdinand knew that they wouldn't pick him and he didn't care.
  n9 V4 R  A6 O/ Q0 `" I1 T  E一天,来个五个男人。他们戴着非常滑稽的帽子,来挑选个头最大、速度最快、性子最烈的公牛去马德里参加斗牛比赛。
! F/ g1 H6 S( C2 w! u9 P. K$ w其他公牛都跑来跑去,又是喷鼻,又是冲撞,一蹦三跳,希望来人觉得自己才是最强壮、最凶猛的,希望能够选上。6 z7 Q$ w; |: V

% N% R* @3 l: S: x9 a. R8 J
  g/ b- r, k. @ 廖彩杏168本英文书单:The Story of Ferdinand 爱花的牛双语阅读指导 7 s( k( O0 e$ k$ o
4 }9 b: L1 n/ F0 q* O" N6 `
So he went out to his favorite cork tree to sit down.
6 v, w, {% q9 wHe didn't look where he was sitting and instead of sitting on the nice cool grass in the shade he sat on a bumble bee.
6 [3 X) u8 d! Q9 l; O+ y费迪南知道他们不会选他,当然,他也不在乎。
  W6 _7 a+ ]; K- q8 a6 e1 J于是,他走到自己最喜欢的黄柏树旁坐下。他没有挑选地方,没有像往常一样坐在阴凉处的草地上,而是坐在了一只大黄蜂上。0 J! d0 S' i1 e3 @, g
9 K; g2 n4 F/ t
1 Y' c! H# ^- {

其他廖彩杏相关的信息:! R, C6 z+ X* H, L
廖彩杏书单新编新增168本英文绘本详细目录汇总9 v% @0 J- L1 w) ^











( l/ X" Z6 K: N. ~
7 m! X) i( I8 U1 P9 J3 ?- D! S
Milagogo  评论于  2019-6-5 18:15:48
zengqiyu  评论于  2019-12-17 19:17:57
huguifang  评论于  2020-12-18 14:11:41
孔德华  评论于  2021-10-13 06:24:21
qigonghong  评论于  2023-2-28 16:01:27
廖彩杏书单阅读 一个从未留洋,也自承发音并不道地的廖彩杏,总是很诚心的告诉对方:“与其花钱去补习班,不如有规律的听英文有声故事,不仅经济实惠,而且效果更好。”她自创了一年52周100本英文绘本阅读计划和书目清单,更有效的带孩子启蒙英语。 群主: 风起云涌

