发表于: 2015-4-2 17:29:47
The Pig in the  Pond 池塘里的猪 dab点读包小达人笔用
' J" p$ L: e0 N) F: {# d
2 |' Q; J$ s4 t& I( Q# u3 _
Pigs don't swim, or so it's said. But on one of the hottest days of the summer, the pig on Neligan's farm sits by the pond feeling envious of the ducks and the geese floating in the cool water. Finally, when she can endure the heat no longer--splash --this sweltering pig takes a dive, throwing the entire farm into an uproar. It isn't long, however, before the refreshing idea catches on, and the pig finds that she's got company This spirited tale with its exuberant illustrations is sure to be a hit with all those young and old who ever wanted to take the plunge.: d& ?3 t- \  Q5 W# b, S. H# e
8 z. E; p1 K( o
The Pig in the  Pond 池塘里的猪 dab点读包小达人笔用 7 ~5 v# Q2 X3 r1 x
网盘下载点读包) j, ?$ s' j  A
链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qWA1kra 密码: gi4g
" X' E/ [2 l" ?0 [6 n  c0 F7 L* X# q/ {6 e& P0 j$ O* ^
7 z, @% L" V# C$ V5 o- `9 SThe Pig in the Pond(池塘里的猪) 音频 MP3下载
4 x1 Q9 N4 M, H9 X6 ^http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-60434-1-1.html
2 C( Y5 m) ]4 \& w: U6 D( U; C. p& v4 R& `: \7 V4 [/ H1 b

6 X+ f) b/ W5 O) `0 g3 b
4 i/ X2 a  s( S( W- ~
aixiren  评论于  2015-4-22 06:17:39
谢谢楼主分享: t0 N( h* l6 a5 n& n
chouxiaoya0119  评论于  2015-5-13 14:56:16
SEP  评论于  2015-6-11 09:55:51
谢谢谢谢了 点读包正好有用的
pp_tt_cc  评论于  2015-6-22 13:31:22
franktee  评论于  2015-7-9 10:43:03
franktee  评论于  2016-1-13 15:15:33
谢谢楼主分享& Y5 f8 z" H8 z& \2 Z3 D
duoduo2012  评论于  2016-3-17 15:52:57
谢谢哈 谢谢
一念之间!  评论于  2016-10-10 16:01:04
王强  评论于  2016-10-11 10:14:16
谢谢      我喜欢这个
点读资源分享圈 爱贝的小达人点读包资源分享圈,文件格式DAB格式。 群主: 一个苹果

