
​香港朗文小学教材Longman Welcome to English,是香港特别行政区特别推荐的小学英语教材。个人认为非常适合孩子学习。本次分享的资源为最新教材全套PDF,彩色打印出来就可以当教材。配套的MP3音频。还有1A-3B的视频教材,我认为视频教材非常好,可以当动画播放,孩子很容易接受。如果喜欢的话给个赞啊!

这套书系香港特别行政区特别推荐的小学英语教材,一共有12册。1年级(1A,1B),2年级(2A,2B),3年级(3A,3B),依次类推----6年级(6A,6B)。香港小学1年级课本(1A,1B)对于一般的国内小学生来说,1年级开始学比较合适。每周学2次加上寒暑假加课,一年可学完。程度好的,半年就可以学完一个年级的课程。一般学完朗文3A,3B 可达到国内普通教材的5-6年级小学英语水平,学完6A,6B达到国内初2-初3学生水平。国内大多数小学是没有条件用这套教材的,也有少数优秀的外国语小学(例如上海福山外国语小学)经过专家的咨询和学校的精心筛选,最后选取pearson朗文集团最新出的《Longman Welcome to English》系列为学校最适合的更新用英语教材。
这套书的特点:它是朗文公司根据香港2009年小学课程指导编写的最新小学教材,结合了朗文在香港二十多年的英语教材编写经验和最新的教学手段,加入了Phonics等新的教学元素,是香港最受欢迎的小学英语教材。这套教材有如下显著的特点:任务型教学,前所未有的完备的教师支持系统,网络支持,非常丰富的文体,在tasks, reading sections, language practice和activities中,非常有趣且贴近学生生活的主题,系统深入的阅读教学及拓展,扎实递进的基本写作能力培养,平衡地涵盖了语言技能、通识和其他技能等。

目录:香港朗文版小学英语1AChapter 1 Starting schoolChapter 2 Nice to meet you!Chapter 3 My toysChapter 4 My pencil caseChapter 5 We can do it!Chapter 6 Look at me!
香港朗文版小学英语1BChapter 1 Choosing a petChapter 2 Our pet friendsChapter 3 Wild animalsChapter 4 More about animalsChapter 5 Happy momentsChapter 6 A fashion show
香港朗文版小学英语2AChapter 1 Coming to schoolChapter 2 About meChapter 3 People who help meChapter 4 People at workChapter 5 Signs we seeChapter 6 Places in the park
香港朗文版小学英语2BChapter 1 Buying snacksChapter 2 Our favourite foodChapter 3 My dayChapter 4 Helping at homeChapter 5 Sports we likeChapter 6 Activities we like
香港朗文版小学英语3AChapter 1 Weather and seasonsChapter 2 Festivals we likeChapter 3 Our school eventsChapter 4 At the school fairChapter 5 Things at homeChapter 6 A trip to the beach香港朗文版小学英语3BChapter 1 Open dayChapter 2 Helping othersChapter 3 CampingChapter 4 In the holidaysChapter 5 Our bodiesChapter 6 When I was young
香港朗文版小学英语4AChapter 1 Knowing our friendsChapter 2 More about our friendsChapter 3 When our grandparents were youngChapter 4 Five hundred years agoChapter 5 Animals big and smallChapter 6 Wonderful placesChapter 7 Ricky learns a lesson
香港朗文版小学英语4BChapter 1 Join our clubChapter 2 Roles in fun placesChapter 3 Holiday plans in Hong KongChapter 4 A visit to Hong KongChapter 5 Food from around the worldChapter 6 Ordering foodChapter 7 The Choc-a-Rock Banana-Rama Cake
香港朗文版小学英语5AChapter 1 Changes at homeChapter 2 Turning over a new leafChapter 3 What's the matter?Chapter 4 Lending a handChapter 5 Favourite FestivalsChapter 6 A public hoildayChapter 7 JPC in action
香港朗文版小学英语5BChapter 1 TeamworkChapter 2 Exciting experiencesChapter 3 Eating habitsChapter 4 Advice on eatingChapter 5 Enjoying natureChapter 6 Help save the animalsChapter 7 The new Cinderella
香港朗文版小学英语6AChapter 1 When I grow upChapter 2 My hobbies over the yearsChapter 3 Our polluted planetChapter 4 Help save the earthChapter 5 Shoppers' paradiseChapter 6 Special peopleChapter 7 Can you keep a secret?
香港朗文版小学英语6BChapter 1 Study toursChapter 2 Exploring LondonChapter 3 Getting adviceChapter 4 Coping with problemsChapter 5 An interview for a new schoolChapter 6 Memories of school lifeChapter 7 Our graduation ceremony

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